Booknotes was C-SPAN’s original author interview program. It focused on then-current non-fiction works in categories such as history, biography, politics, the military, diplomacy, and science. Booknotes gave authors an opportunity unmatched anywhere else in the television industry to talk at length about themselves and their books to an educated reading audience.

Booknotes Oral Histories
During 2014 and 2015, George Mason University Libraries conducted oral history interviews with selected Booknotes authors and C-SPAN staff. Authors spoke about the experience of appearing on the program while C-SPAN staffers talked about the program's inner workings and Brian Lamb's methodology.

C-SPAN Records
From the network's beginnings in 1979 to the essential role it plays in today's public affairs, C-SPAN has become an American institution.
This collection documents that evolution and at the same time holds a mirror up to America, showing how that connection to its audience helped make this network the success that it has become. The collection contains photographs, press releases and mail sent to C-SPAN by viewers around the globe.