Expresses frustration with call-in process, says that moral character is necessary for the presidency and expresses discontent with Clinton's lack of it.
Expresses appreciation for coverage of Rainbow Coalition Summit on Violence, further discusses violent crime reform and reducing the time of House speakers on program.
Explicates hypothesis that news media is colluding with homosexuals to take over their station and promote their cause, is confused and disgusted by "sexual perverts," thinks that C-SPAN didn't cover AIDS deaths because it is proof against their narrative.
Expresses discontent with Rush Limbaugh, especially his commentary on others and his supposedly naïve stance on ecological disaster/misogyny/blind faith.
Expresses appreciation for coverage of the House, provides suggestions on how to revise graphics for more accurate descriptions and for other radio hosts to interview.
Attaches article in which a pastor and a film crew were denied filming rights, but that C-SPAN was allowed to film the gay rights parade without qualms.
Expresses appreciation for call-in shows and for Brian Lamb, suggests that the C-SPAN School Bus come to Knoxville/Oak Ridge to see its nuclear waste stockpiles and for its political associations.
Expresses appreciation for call-in shows, but suggests that Brian Lamb show some restraint in reading some of the contents of faxes, such as one that suggested putting a stake through Reagan's heart.