Can I see these documents in person?
Absolutely! You can make an appointment to come see the material in person at the George Mason University campus in Fairfax, Virginia. Please note that the records may not be removed from our Reading Room for any reason. We cannot send original material to you or loan it out. Requests for additional copies or scans may be made through SCRC. For more information about our policies and requesting an appointment click here.
Is this everything?
No, we've prioritized what we feel is most useful to researchers: Photographs, Press Releases, and Viewer Mail. About 3/4 of the collection remains unavailable online.
Can I download material from this site?
Yes! The Universal Viewer makes downloading easy. Simply click the download arrow in the upper right corner of the viewer to download the PDF file of a document.

How can I use this material?
Each document's rights statement gives specific guidance on how the material may be used. In general, for personal, non-commercial use, you are free to use the material as desired. However, if you want to incorporate any of this material into a published or commercial work, you must contact SCRC to discuss permissions.
Why are some parts of viewer mail redacted?
People who wrote in to C-SPAN were not employees and likely did not know that these records would eventually be made public. Because they did not consent to having their information shared, we have chosen to redact personally identifiable information to protect their privacy. Generally, we have redacted names, addresses, and phone numbers of the sender. At times, content within the letter has also been redacted if it threatened the author's privacy.