John Quincy Adams : a public life, a private life.
Biography of John Quincy Adams. Adams' career included being president, senator, representative, secretary of state, and ambassador.
Nagel, Paul C
1st ed.
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: January 4, 1998
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers and fly sheet: b. July 11, 1767, d. feb 23, 1848. Mud and dust in D.C.. Social requirements, wine drinking, Tacitus in the morning. Didn't return to Abigail's bedside or funeral. Walking-W.H. to Capitol-4-6 mi. Swimming in Potomac in summer, almost drown 310. Only one chapter to JQA's presidency. Alcohol-a big family problem/JQA's brother Tom, son George, " John. Sept 15, 1812-Infant Louisa dies. What did it mean that in Federalist Boston he was a Rep. He read the Bible--4 chapters a day. U.S. Senate. Russia-8 years-during it declined a Supreme Ct. seat. JQA's always says "he longs for time for scholarship." In Belgium--Traits-short tempered-quickly impatient, harshness, tactlessness, rude p. 218. Treaty of Ghent--Gallatin and Clay. As Sec. of State--not calling on members led to uproar p. 252. Corrupt Bargain--Clay and JQA p 300. "Hugely unsuccessful administrations" (303). The Dentist (307). Nov 20, 1847--First Serious Stroke. Story of Jackson and Rachel-320. The Gag Rule-a cause in the House. Faith and religion started at age 30. Morality, dutifulness, devotion to learning, value of understanding history--Letters to my children. Why did JFK put JQA in Profiles in Courage. Thomas Ward-Treasurer of Harvard (p 425) didn't like JQA selfish . . .bad temper etc. Are there decendents--Thomas Boylston Adams. JQA and Czar Alexander in Russia. Daily walks, reading the Bible, delivering speeches in Latin, depression, walk to Capitol 1' hr. 20 mins. Found Tyler disgusting. Henry Clay v. JQA. Insomnia, Health problems, *The Dentist visits the Pres. His children George, John, Charles Francis. You refer to him as John-Adams-JQA. Adams was not an abolitionist. 1824/25 Election vote totals (291). Jackson Ball put on by JQA. Separations, long hard travel, sickness-children, money difficulties, little sleep. Old Man Eloquent-often spoke for 2 hours. His diary--most precious book ever written p 408. His father gets Geo. WASH to appoint him to Holland, Spring 1794, 26 years old, leave Hague June 1797. JQA's brother Tom--his sec and aide. Holland/Portugal/Berlin. Madison submitted his name for Supreme Court. Lamb adds years to two titles on the Also by Paul C. Nagel page. On Contents page Lamb checks some sections and adds the total number of years to the spans on each Book title. Notes/Underlinings: Notes: "First biography to draw on JQA's massive manuscript diary," "diary 70 years," "private struggle," "1990 returned to his diary," "I admire Adams," "Nabby," "JQA 14, 1781 goes to Russia," "July 1781-2000 mile trek," "Leyden Holland," "left Russia Oct 30, 1782," "Stockholders import, begins independent," "Sweden, land of lovely dames," "July 20, 1787 Harvard over," "Boston 18,000 people," "Hume, Gibbon, Rousseau," "1st year legal study," "frolics," "kissing game 1788," "first poem," "Brother Tom," "State Dept papers fall off chaise," "papers to a sick J. Jay," "Joshua Johnson," "tells Louisa's mother," "Johnson's forced ruin," "new motto," "Abigail opposed marriage," "reassigned to Portugal," "John Adams' elected President 1796," "Louisa's father Postmaster of D.C.," "4th miscarriage," "Silesia reports," "dead officer," "1805 37 years old, depression," "modifications of the chair, must stay a Senator," "foul mood," "From NYC to Quincy 49 hours," "Latin," "one day teaching," "a stillborn son," "read the Bible," "8 miles to Boston," "a poem to Louisa," "long walks," "Aug 17 Charles Francis born," "Jan 23 1808," "JQA said he wanted nothing in return for support," "a literary career," "letter from Abigail," "June 1808," "defeat for Senate," "tormented by rebuff," "Justices found him unprepared," "March 4, 1809--Russia," "June 27 approval to Russia," "Abigail Adams not present for send off, 8 years," "15 chapters a day in the Bible--Plutarch," "letter to his children," "Oct 22 Kronstadt," "14 servants," "study of weights and measures," "his Harvard lectures," "Madison submits Adams for S.C.; Adams turns down appt.," "JQA detested legal work," "14th wedding anniversary," "a daughter," "5 a.m. 5 chapters in German Bible, 6 mile walk," "last letter Sept 14, 1813," "Winter 1812, Charles," "letters from America," "Louisa's mother dies," "JQA's insomnia worsens," "Czar Alexander," "Napoleon invades," "1812 war," "French retreat," "dishonest servants," "373 bottles of wine missing," "Kitty and Billy," "Baby Louisa dies of dysentery," "health of JQA worsens," "1813, Charles 13," "Czar willing to support 'Freedom of the Seas," "Czar to mediate G.B. and U.S.," "James Bayard, Albert Gallatin," "Jan 25, 1814 departed for London. " Lamb notes details on Adams' book collecting/reading, study of history, impact of women, continued diplomatic career, personality, quirks, writings, changes in US, political offices, society, and evolution of daily schedule, family/troubles, exercise, later career, and personal life.
"Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848."
"Presidents--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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