Bad boy: the life and politics of Lee Atwater.


Bad boy: the life and politics of Lee Atwater.
A biography of Lee Atwater.
Brady, John Joseph
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: February 9, 1997
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers: List of 12 Republicans. Tom Turnipseed p. 104. Prime 21 Times. Howard U. p. 160 Narbour urged Lee to bring Bond into campaigns. Robert Caro's first book, 'The Path to Power.' Where did you get the tape of his dictation. His brother Joe. Life maf Jan. 15, 1991 Lynn Johnson photo. 'Defining' moments: married Sally Dunbar, Jun 24, 1978; dead March 29, 1991 6:25 A.M.. Underlinings/Notes: Underlinings: background, family life, education, details on image, friends, loves, tricks, games, music. Notes: "Bad Boy song," "80s," "died Mar 29, 1991," "200 sources," "confidentiality, tape recordings on his deathbed," "Sally, Toddy," "Bush not there," "Brooke Vosburgh," "defining moment," "deep fat fryer," "Joe died," "Lee born," "Toddy, laughter," "guitar Feb 27, 1962," "Ds and Fs," "class of '69," terrible student," "a book a week," "read biography," "Westmoreland, ran for Gov.," "self-confidence," "age 28," "first child Sara Lee," "29 yrs. old at Reagan W.H.," "worked hard weekends," "wanted to be: a legend," "Prince 21 times," "about Bush," "nine-dot metaphor p. 327," "John Naisbitt," "The media, 5 papers," "Lee's personal life," "How did I do?" "Esquire David Remnick," "Esquire Mrs. Bush," "Sally never swooned," "Bush's alleged affair," "Rather," "Willie Horton" "Gore, Andy Card, Pug R.," "Paramus focus group," "liberal," "videotapes," "Jim Baker takes over," "Lee--40 camp.," "Reader's Digest article on Horton," "little Bastard," "Ray Charles $25,000," "Boston Harbor," "Cuomo worst advice," "ACLU," "Rogich TV comm.," "19 convicts, 16 white, 2 black, 1 hispanic," "tank ride," "Ed Rogers," "Mickey Edwards and Brooke," "Susan Estrich," "Willie Horton race," "not a racist," "Jan Baran," "Floyd Brown," "Larry McCarthy produced 2 Horton ads," "no evidence Atwater oversaw Horton ad," "Howard, Feb. 1989," "Lee resigned; Jackson broke his word," "Post story had a pix of Horton," "Geo Bush on stage," "mugging," "RNC," "Time, never late," "Limo 4 lines," "7A.M. staff meeting," "jogging on the mall," "never alone," "phones on planes," "faces/name," "She's cute," "Pat Schroeder," "Altoids," "reading, " "James Brown," "the Press," "angry, vitriolic, irrational," "Matalin," "Ron Brown softball," "recruiting blacks to GOP," "Lee on Bush, no political instincts, won't get reelected," "murder board," "Foley-homosexual," "Flora High S. reunion," "was he happy," "Mark Goodin resignation," "Foley memo gay," "Barbara B.," "calls to Sally," "Israel trip," "Jesus Christ a politician," "never lobbied," "more money," "Lee's 2 nights in a Wash Hotel," "Brooke Vosburgh $20,000 increase," "3000 miles a month, Limos," "caught in a scandal," "blues album," "B.B. King," "Bad Boy song," "headaches, limp, heartburn," "clean bill of health," "1989 The Post, pictures, Sally knows, story never ran," "funds were tight," "1990 41% ID," "Spy Mag, Marion Barry, the Vista," "abortion planks," "Connie," "Willie Horton, dirty trickster," "Florida speech," "P.R. with Sally," "Blake Williams ran 6 miles," "left leg," "Ramada speech, foot shaking, scream, George WASH Hosp.," "Brain tumor," "Brooke to bedroom," "Brooke--loved her," "X-Ray treatments," "grade 4," "kinder, gentler Atwater," "Doug Coe," "interstitial radiation surgery," "lost left side," "Jesse Jackson" "Sally no involvement," "bathed him," "hate him," "seizures," "April 16 9 lbs, 3 oz," "celebrity syndrome," "death sentence," "laughter," "forgiveness letters," "letter to Pug Ravenel," "letter to Turnipseed," "RNC meeting June 27," "a reprieve," "another girlfriend visits," "audio tapes himself talking to 'Brooke'," "Armand Hammer," "prayer," "Pug R letter back," "hypocrisy," "letter to Pug 'Bullshit', lawyers, politicians, media," "Bush visits Mid-July," "Doug Coe visits," "pain," "Quayle visit," "pellet gun," "Bond letter," "Sept 7," "the Book tape," "Atwater Bullshit Theory," "the chapel, married," "Doug Coe, adultery," "Brooke left," "Oct 26 $750,000 medical bills," "Golden Rule, found Jesus," "Henry Dent, a memo," "Life $7,500," "Nov 15," "Linda O'Meara," "Sally deeply hurt," "Brooke calm down, Linda pounds on door," "Brooke's answering service," "listed all his affairs," "blimpo mode," "Joe come home," "Life Mag," "hung jury," "Jan 31 Prayer breakfast," "Lee's last call to Brooke," "40 yrs old," "I want to die," "Joe's death," "Reagan's visit," "Lee Bandy," "great," "best who ever lived." "
"Atwater, Lee."
"Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- )--Biography."
"Political consultants--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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