Faubus : the life and times of an American prodigal
A biography by Roy Reed about former Governor of Alabama, Orval Faubus.
Reed, Roy
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: August 9, 1998
University of Arkansas Press
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
"Faubus, Orval Eugene, 1910-1994."
"Segregation in education--Arkansas--Little Rock."
Original Booknotes interview
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Transcriptions of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers and half-title: Faubus on race p 163. Equalized salaries, quiet desegregation of schools. Ms. Daisy Bates--Arkansas Traveler. Arkansas Gazette--one of the nation's great newspapers. J.N. Hershell--owner Harry Ashmore exec. ed. Northwest Arkansas Times run by Fulbright's mother Roberta. Fulbright's brother-in-law opened Fayetteville schools to integration first in South. Little Rock Mayor Gene Smith p 257--suicide--killed his wife going to kill Faubus. What was the Southern manifest," "Faubus and Fulbright. Rockefeller--p 288 cowboy boots, haircuts in New York--jets, a bus in the state. Faubus ran against the rich and ruthless 1964, 1966. A Socialist family, Central High School 1957. Read TS interviews, 200 hours transcribed. b. Jan. 7, 1910 Stanley Mt above Ritchie Branch in Madison Ct. d. Dec. 14, 1994 85 yrs old--wife Jan dies a year later at 53. Southerners--like limited leaders of narrow vision. Huey Ling, Al Gore, LBJ, Richard Russell, Earl Long, Bill Clinton, Sam Rayburn. Orval Eugene Faubus--named for Eugene Debs. 1964--His last victory beat Rock 57% to -- He was 55 yrs old. What role did class resentment play in his life. Faubus was a genuine poor Hillbilly/Faubus V. Wallace p 367. April 6, 1966--announced he wouldn't run for 7th term. Faubus liked to be compared to Huey Long. Faubus builds a house/takes 332 people donations 59,000 (p 323) "love offering." Marries Elizabeth Westmoreland 1969--divorced after 37 years. He was 59, she 30. Beth diary--"niggers" (333). He sold books--signed his autograph for $.25--became a bank teller. Fonell committed suicide--Seattle--drugs. Beth murdered by 24 yr. old. Marries Jessica Wittenburg Nov 1986--33 yrs younger (344). 1989--sells his house in Huntsville $318,00. 1986--ran against B. Clinton. 1988--endorsed Jesse Jackson. Death of Magreedy, the Australian Times--more feelings for dogs than people. His most revealing memoir--9 pages to Magreedy. Commonwealth College near Mena p 99. How long was Faubus there? Took office Ja. 11, 1955. J. William Fulbright, Dale Bumpers, David Pryor, Wyn Rockefeller, John McClellan, Wilbur Mills, Brooks Hays, Bill Clinton. Ike, Herbert Bronell, William Rodgers, Richard Nixon, Strom Thurmond, General Edwin Walker. Sheriff Marlin Hawkins of Conway County, "How I stole the elections," "W.R. Witt Stephens--bought ARLA. Called out National Guard Sept 2, 1957. Ike more of a segregationist than Faubus. The two meet at Newport Sept 14. 50 FBI agents found no impending violence which Faubus always said was until death. Sept 23--3 hours of Integration p 224. Rev. Wesley Pruden niggers, communists and cops. Sept 24--Ike federalized National Guard--sent in 101st Airborne from Ft. Campbell, KY. The Press--Ashmore v. Faubus--Gazette loose 5 to 6 million dollars. 1000 subs a day for 30 days--30% of its circ. Reporters sympathetic to Blacks--(p 214). Time & Life portrayed Faubus as a "witless redneck." Ashmore--a Pulitzer (p 241) photo. Native of South C.--influenced by W.J. Cash the Mind of the South. realistic historians like C. Vann Woodward. Notes/underlinings: Notes: "74 interviews," "son John, daughter Cindy," "Brown," "Socialist family," "Bill Clinton 1992," "Sam Faubus' hero Debs," "Greasy Creek, Combs, Ozarks," "Hill people," "Sam 78 yrs., hated intellectual dishonesty," "capitalism a con," "Lindy and John Nelson 15 children," "Scopes, Darrow, Doyle," "Sam wrote 'Man'," "little slut," "1917-18, Socialist leaflets, Debs," "J.C. Thompson," "corporation doesn't have a conscience," "bankers," "Debs to prison," "sedition," "Wobblies," "Orval a postmaster," "1920 Socialism finished," "greed," "Sam a new dealer," "He stayed a total of 3 months," "ARLA," "horse racing 1955," "worked 18 hrs a day, introverted," "The Bible," "ordinariness," "as governor for have-nots," "education," "tax," "1957 doctorate honorary," "mental hospital," "political corruption," "physical force," "duels 19th century," "1919 a massacre "race" 225 Blacks murdered," "violence during campaign," "crime--gesture of friendship to blacks," "Faubus and blacks," "white/colored," "Brown 1954," "white supremacists," "the moderates," "White Citizens Councils," "Arkansas liberality," "Fayetteville 1st in South to admit negroes," "Hoxie," "Blossom plan," "Wes Pruden," "Virgil Blossom," "Faubus speech on TV," "Ashmore ed.," "IKE incomprehensible," "Herbert Brownell," "50 FBI agents in Little R.," "Reporters," "Time & Life 'witless redneck'," "250,000 letters of support," "Brooks Hays," "IKE and Faubus meet," "Abilene, Kansas desegregation conference," "Brownell," "Sept 23," "3 hours of integration," "Rev. Wesley Pruden," "Jimmy Karam." "Sept 24 Federalized National G., 101st Airborne," "Major General Edwin Walker," "Faubus v. Ashmore," "Rogers phoned Ashmore," "Ernest Green," "Alta," "tension," "Pulitzers," "Faubus right wing," "Faubus wins large number of black votes," "Dr. Dale Alford member of school board," "Alford beats Hays 30, 739: 29, 483," "Little Rock," "men fell silent," "Velma Powell," "March 1959," "STOP, CROSS, women made the difference," "a federal court school closing law unconstitutional," "Negros to Central High Aug 12," "Bombs were placed," "1969 Central 25% Black," "Gene Smith," "bombed," "loyalty oath for state employees and teachers," "IRS audit," "Ashmore accused of being a Communist," "Gallup Poll," "Faubus for President," "4th term," "State employees contributions," "Jim McDougal," "Jim Johnson," "Rock--a bus and a jet," "drinking problem, divorce," "coal oil" expensive, why?," "Rock.," "Puerto Rican casino," "dirty tricks," "nickname 'Win'," "Faubus 80% of Black vote," "57% of vote," "sixth inaugural address," "big time scandal last term," "insurance department," "Harvey Combs takes on Olds for Xmas," "Pensions for Pals," "April 6 1966 not run again," "prison farms, greed, corruption, brutality," "prison investigation, inmates beaten," "illegal gambling Hot Springs," "stealing votes," "$100 million a year," "deny a bribe," "Faubus' corruption compared to others," "Faubus' 'Statesman'," "mid-50's U.S. Senate," "borrowed $40,000 Huntsville," "$280,000 for Home," "donation?" "332 people $59,549," "love offerings," "1967 a new woman," "Elizabeth Westmoreland," "love nest," "WWII," "the tree and initials," "divorced Alta 1969 37 years," "Orval marries Beth," "Dale Bumpers," "started to drink more," "violence," "a baby," "friend of Gerald K. Smith," "Farrell," "Orval's sour mood grows," "1972 'niggers'," "Bumpers for Senate," "Pryor wins," "Big House for sale, autographed books, paper for $.25," "Farrell goes to Alaska 1976, died of drug overdose," "Beth," "bank teller," "divorces Beth," "1982 files for divorce," "1983 Clinton fires Faubus," "Beth dead March 3 1983, David Scott Helfond 24 yrs.," "Ric tried to kill himself," "loan $20,000," "1986 ran against B.C., Janice Wittenburg," "1989 sold house $318,000 79 yrs old," "1992 Jan had cancer," "he gets bone cancer," "NYT," "5 reasons he blocked deseg at Central High," "William Rogers retreated," "Southern Manifesto," "to save your political hide," "double crossed," "class resentment," "U.S. Army arrives," "moderates despondent," "racial hostility in South," "no career, no law practice," "life to live over," "Wallace v. Faubus," "Nixon and Faubus alike," "hillbillies grieved hardest," "man of the centre." Underlinings: Lamb's underlinings add additional details to events/ideas indicated by his notes.