The day before yesterday : reconsidering America's past, rediscovering the present


The day before yesterday : reconsidering America's past, rediscovering the present
Michael Elliott's survey and commentary on the the United States since World War Two.
Elliott, Michael
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: September 22, 1996
Simon & Schuster
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Original Booknotes interview
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Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpaper: When was Golden Age. Why Betty Friedan. Military figures % of GOP--1955-2.5 men in services largest in peacetime. 1. McComl Ct.; 2. Boulder, Col.; 3. Southern CA--Orange; 4. N.Y.C.; 5. Mon Valley. Underlinings/Notes: Underlinings: Details on 1974 America, concept of Golden Age and years after 1945, American characteristics, class, population, labor, transportation, suburbs, technological/household innovations, economy, higher education, sex, economy. Notes: "Joe Klein," "stayed with airline passenger," "good neighbor," "the Golden Age," "13th generation," "potato," "Tulsa," "a unifying force," "Detroit 1945-today," "U of M.," "1995 fat, happy, and lazy," "America today," "get honest with itself,""something special," "Universities," "land grant colleges," "value of education," "MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford," "1st Tocqueville," "Lowell," "eight languages," "Prohibition 1919," "1892 24 killed; 1911 L.A. Times printing plant bombed; 1914 13 killed Ludlow, CO," "Like today, global economy 1919 John M. Keynes," "a giant," "the transistors," "Myrdal 1937," "M.L. King," "1960s congress civil rights," "the Court," "TV stations in the South," "racism has ended," "Calf.," "death penalty," "1940 77% Blacks in South 1980-53%," "most profound change of Golden Age black shift," "Small towns are dead," "rural American depopulation." p. 72 Lamb drew a chart for Urban/Rural shifts from 1920-70. "Small towns haven't blossomed," "suburbs," "1990 more than half in suburbs," "marriage," "1957 4.3 mil Americans born, the biggest," "baby boom," "cars," "women in work force," "Levitt communist," "Lewis Mumford, Friedan," "Herbert Gans 58 to 60," "Golden Age few immigrants," "foreign born 1970," "SAC Curtis LeMay," "until 1946 America devoid of enemy," "Cold War 45-89 100,000 lost lives," "Civil 1 mil. to 35, 000," "1918 2.9 mil to 300,000; 1945 12.1 mil to 1.5 mil.," "Ant-Communist," "containment," "Korea," "NSC-68 changed America," "Defense spending 1949-17 Bil. 1953-52.7 Bil.," "Cal Coolidge," "interstate highways," "55-56 2.5 mil service in peace time," "commerce clause," "Keynes," "IKE," "Reagan fundamental change," "'some failure'," "roads," "1940 Penn. turnpike," "Interstate system 1956," "roads v. railroads v. truckers," "telephones," "air travel," "central air conditioners," "Arizona, Nevada," "Kilroy was here/Yankee go home," "Friedan goods," "IBM," "steel," "Productivity," "Toc.," "4% growth in prod.," "U of California," "Morrill Act Land Grant," "GI Bill," "a million veterans," "2.2 mil. used G.I. Bill," "state colleges, junior colleges," "19 campuses monument to America," "entitlement to education," "women v. men in college degrees," "Unions 1953 32.5 1990 16%," "economy stupid," "luck ran out," "America in decline," "14 years, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, RFK, Geo. Wallace, MLK, Mal. X, 1968," "Port Huron Statement, Tod Gitlin, Tom Hayden, Michael Harrington," "the Power Elite," "relied on government," "Black and Whites at same school," "1964 elections," "Macomb County," "first ominous fracture FDR's legacy," "Vietnam changed everything," "some good happened," "lied," "Watergate," "cynicism," "conservative," "Hayek," "why growth slowed down," "deficit," "inflation," "Germany," "Japan," "Inflation," "corporate headquarters/lobbyist," "needed continued growth," "Golden Age was over," "abundance," "hedonism," "consumerism," "1950s, 60s, 70s," "religion 60% of Americans belong to a church," "nuclear family," "women in marriage 50s-20 yrs; 90s-24 yrs.," "half divorced," "births," "single-parent," "grandmothers," "American Express Office," "Sex, 1969 American girls easy, sexual revolution," "oral sex," "1.1% homosexuality," "Deep throat," "penicillin, the pill," "sexual r. leads to divorce," "women in manager roles," "working women with children," "62% in 94," "90s women better educated than men," "40 mil jobs," " since 73 unemployed 8.5%," "families," "greed," "computers," "autos," "a more unequal society," "nation's fabric tears," "north, south school grad rates," "11 of 20 fastest growing cities," "more suburban," "malls," "some Southern states grew less," "Indians," "Mon Valley manufacturing 18%," "technological change," "class in America," "Charles Murray," "high schools, public v. private," "NAFTA," "angry white male--return of the working class," "foreigners look at US black underclass etc.," "'Little man' James," "blacks shot," "Jesse Jackson." p. 210 Lamb drew a table comparing Blacks/Whites in college in 1976: 1993. "Black women v. Black men," "trust in WASH 1958--75%, 1993--20%," "WASH and trust," "states v. National," "2.1 to 3.1 federal workers, state gov. + 4X's local gov. 11 million," "America not in crises," "Tijuana and San Diego," "death of Foreign Policy consensus," "Movies," "not international animals," "for working American Global a threat," "20 million in U.S. foreign born," "population 2050 Whites to 53% blacks 16% Asian 9% Latino 24%," "fertility rates," "Toc. voluntary organizations," "from his Washington home," "Sputnik," "Australia," "gift of Providence," "Buddhist temple," "National politics no following here," "my two aunts 76/88," "violence," "glass half empty--1. forgotten history; 2. misread geography," "modern America 'Civil War'."