A good life : newspapering and other adventures


A good life : newspapering and other adventures
This is the witty, candid story of a daring young man who made his own way to the heights of American journalism and public life, of the great adventure that took him at only twenty years old straight from Harvard to almost four years in the shooting war in the South Pacific, and back, from a maverick New Hampshire weekly to an apprenticeship for Newsweek in postwar Paris, then to the Washington Bureau chief's desk, and finally to the apex of his career at The Washington Post. "Bradlee took the helm of The Washington Post in 1965. He and his reporters transformed it into one of the most influential and respected news publications in the world, reinvented modern investigative journalism, and redefined the way news is reported, published, and read. Under his direction, the paper won eighteen Pulitzer prizes. His leadership and investigative drive following the break-in at the Democratic National Committee led to the downfall of a president, and kept every president afterward on his toes." "Bradlee, backed every step of the way by the Graham family, challenged the federal government over the right to publish the Pentagon Papers - and won. His ingenuity, and the spirited reporting of Sally Quinn, now his wife, led to the creation of the Style Section, a revolutionary newspaper feature in its time, now copied by just about every paper in the country."--BOOK JACKET.
Bradlee, Benjamin C
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: October 29, 1995
Simon & Schuster
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpaper: The man with a gun in the W. Virginian woods 395. Jackie p 400. Burger memo p. 321. What was the Pentagon Papers episode. Sally Quinn-how did you meet. Pulitzer's are overrated and suspect p. 365. Pro-sunshine p 128. Walter Lippmann, Arnaud de Borchgrave, Punch Sulzberger, Elias and Bernie McQuaid. Truman's assassins. Would you have succeeded without JFK. Howard Simons. Janet Cooke, David Maraniss. Underlinings/Notes: Underlinings: Bradlee's philosophy, writers, politicians, descriptions/references to Jack/Jackie Kennedy, Nixon, Kay Graham, and various other people and events important to Bradlee's life, loves and career. Notes: "Nixon," "polio," "Phil Graham," "pro-sunshine," "Truman & P.R. assassins," "Frank Pace," "Elias McQuaid/Bernie," "June 1951-30 yrs. old," "smoked dope," "Jean 13 yrs married," "Nixon's campaign," "Daley's quote," "Jackie," "Jackie appalled," "Torby MacDonald," "tape," "Jackie at Bethesda...couldn't be trusted," "Kennedy and woman," "Mary's murder," "Jim Angleton & Mary," "the diary," "Kennedy and girls," "No difference in the way I felt about Jack and Mary," "Affair became public 1976," "Aug 65 W.P.," racist newsroom," "Bogus type," "Vietnam," "war support," "views non-political," "RFK's death cried," "Style," "K. Graham, Style," "Peter Osnos," "lawyers against," "Clark Clifford," "Kay G. tit in a wringer," "Pete Peterson," "Ken Clawson," "Bob Dole," "Gordon Manning," "grand juries," "B+, tapes," "Post had been the engine, " "Post's role," "Deep Throat," "Pulitzer," "Goldwater," "Watergate 52," "Kennedy," "23 days in the woods," "Jackie didn't like it," "Jim Leach," "bias-'wore me down over the years," "Norman Lear, Dick Cohen, " Bill Safire," "King Hussein, 1 million a year," "Long Island," "St. Marten with Nixons," "Todd Lincoln," "Quinn's operation, July 1982," "Averell Harriman burial," "Harvard chair not yet filled."
"Bradlee, Benjamin C."
"Journalists--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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