The unfinished nation : a concise history of the American people
An historical work which details the diversity of the American people.
Brinkley, Alan
1st ed.
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: October 10, 1993.
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Original Booknotes interview
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Transcription of Annotations
Underlinings/notes: As US becomes more divers, historians revealing a more complex view of country's past. US created a mass popular culture for the American people and for the rest of the world. Book=newer story. Title--Unfinished nation--reminder of nation's diversity, centrality of change in history, continual transformation. Slavery, from white racism? Increase in slaves was response to demand for more labor. American Revolution--political/intellectual event or social/economic phenomenon? Historians of 1950s--shared political principles; 1960s revolutionary crowds likely to attack all symbols of wealth/power. Constitution--5 states sent delegates to Annapolis. 55 men attended convention--average age 44. Schlesinger--Jacksonian Democracy--control Eastern capitalist groups for benefit of non-capitalist groups, farmers, laboring men in East, West, South. Dred Scott--Missouri slave. Defeat for ant-slavery forces, affirmation of South's argument that Constitution guaranteed existence of slavery. Taney--blacks no rights. Lincoln--blacks not prepared to live on equal terms with whites. Causes of Civil War--conflict work of agitators, inherent antagonisms between planters/industrialist, blundering generation of political leaders, partisan ambitions of politicians who used sectional rivalries to advance their own aims. Foner on Reconstruction: failed as effort to secure black's rights as citizens/free laborers. Progressives--movement by the people to curb power of special interests. Progressive era--decline in political parties/rise of interest groups working for particular social/economic goals. 1980 revised liberal view--New Deal significant reform effort. Cold War. Vietnam.