Lone star rising : Lyndon Johnson and his times, 1908-1960
Volume one of a two-volume biography follows Johnson's life from his childhood on the banks of the Pedernales to his election as vice president under Kennedy.
Dallek, Robert
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: September 22, 1991.
Oxford University Press
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Transcription of Annotations
Half-title: 1. 130 pages of Sources and Index. 1948 vote Coke Stevenson, Johnson fortune--Geo. Power TV-Radio, Civil Rights against at first. Underlinings/notes: After President's leave White House, their reputations suffer and then they make a comeback; not Johnson's which plummeted. Biography focuses less on man, more on larger impact. Liberal nationalist, help least affluent help themselves and end to racial segregation--genuine statesmanship. Book took over 7 year, plans for second volume. LBJ last along side Gerald Ford, behind Nixon. Johnson's reputation. Johnson told Truman he should have an Army medical corpsman; when LBJ retires gets corpsman because Truman has one. Goodwin describes LBJ as paranoid. Robert Caro sees LBJ as unprincipled/self-serving , deceitful, power-hungry opportunist--who wanted to manipulate/dominate lives of others--bottomless capacity for deceit, deception and betrayal. Johnson, sincere populist who wished to help the poorest, seen as arrogant, imperious potentate who could not acknowledge common weaknesses. LBJ's nationalization of South/West--neglected piece of history. LBJ more concerned about larger issues in American life than credited for and state security. Believed in Imperial Presidency--centralized control of foreign affairs.
"Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973."
"Presidents--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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