Dude, where's my country?


Dude, where's my country?
Notes George W. Bush's affiliations with Enron and big oil, presenting a tongue-in-cheek plan for ending his political career while charging political leaders with enabling a growing divide between American classes.
Moore, Michael
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: November 16, 2003
Warner Books
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers refer to the success of his bestseller 'Stupid white men', list his films 'Fahrenheit 9/11', 'Bowling for Columbine', and 'Roger and Me', include some biographical information on Michael Moore and his family, and references to his Dad and Ralph Nader. Other notes express the author's anger at the CEO's of corporations, 'the bastards' who run our country, and Greed as the real political party. The American preoccupation with Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden is described as 'one of the biggest lies of all time'. Also included is a reference to RINOs - Republicans In Name Only - and this question: "Why is George Bush so busy protecting the Saudis when he should be protecting us?" -- Annotations by Brian Lamb in the margins and underlining of pertinent phrases throughout the book. -- Examples: p. 30: [Dick Cheney in 1998]: "About 70 to 75 % of our business is energy related, serving customers like Unocal, Exxon, Shell, Chevron, and many other major oil companies around the world. As a result, we oftentimes find ourselves operating in some very difficult places. The good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas only where there are democratically elected regimes friendly to the United States. Occasionally we have to operate in places where, all things considered, one would not normally choose to go. But, we go where the business is." -- p. 144: "After fleecing the American public and destroying the American dream for most working people, how is it that, instead of being drawn and quartered and hung at dawn at the city gates, the rich got a big wet kiss from Congress, in the form of a record tax break, and no one says a word? How can that be?"
"War on Terrorism, 2001-2009."
Original Booknotes interview
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