Reagan, in his own hand


Reagan, in his own hand
Consists largely of radio addresses written from 1975-1979.
Reagan, Ronald
Skinner, Kiron K
Anderson, Annelise Graebner
Anderson, Martin
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Program air date: April 29, 2001
Free Press
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers and fly leaf: " Mar. 21, Wed. 2 p.m. - Why has the news media ignored xxx? - 1978: Eugene Rostow ; R.R. calls him liberal scholar, p. 92; SALT II; Sov. U. now superior to US in military power, p. 97; B-1; nuclear bomb, MIT; Trident sub sketched out; MA Bell, p. 346; Minuteman III canceled. - First missile defense mention K.C. RNC Aug. 19, 1976 - speech; Negotiation Lawrence Beilenson, a book. - My wife Nancy, p. 355. - The Third World: Cuba, Mozambique, Namibia; referred often to our national debt, 725 Billion. - Did you interview Nancy R.? - Geo. Schultz; Bud McFar.: "he knows so little but accomplishes so much". - Few speeches in book because so few he wrote survived. - Audience didn't like people to read speech - wore contacts - didn't like to wear glasses; one long vision eye and one near vision. - Reagan: one man think tank. - Harry O'Connor: 1974-1979; Viewpoint, batches of 15; "long showers"; voracious reader, didn't watch television. - Dennis LeBlanc: always writing; L.A. to ranch; never slept on airplane. - Panama. - Middle East not subject of many broadcasts." -- Notes on p. [526]: "Who is Byron Skinner, Gloria skinner, Ruby Skinner? - Strong support. - Hamilton College. - Olin Foundation. - Council on Foreign Relations. - Kiron: Carnegie Mellon Prof. - Hoover Institution. - J.W. Letofsky: collector of movie posters; tracked down 17 articles R.R. wrote for Des Moines Register, 1937. - Nancy - permission. - George Schultz." -- Additional notes on card laid in book: "Individual liberty - always talking about. - 30% on defense issues. - Main concern: Cold War. - Relies on scholars and policy experts. - Communism should not survive. - Vietnam Syndrome: abandon superpower detente. - In 1980: R.R. criticized for not knowing anything about Foreign Policy. - South Africa: Congress overrides is veto 1986 of sanctions." -- A photocopy of the back endpapers on two yellow sheets of paper containing the handwritten version of 'Looking Out a Window', a radio address delivered by Ronald Reagan on Jan. 27, 1978, is also laid in. -- Annotations by Brian Lamb in the margins and underlining of pertinent phrases throughout the book. Examples: p. xi: "But so ingrained is the belief that he was an amiable man - not too bright, the willing captive of his aides - that it would probably not make much difference."... "How could a man of supposedly limited knowledge and limited intelligence accomplish so much?" - p. 12: "Communism is neither an ec. or a pol. system - it is a form of insanity - a temporary aberration which will one day disappear from the earth because it is contrary to human nature." - p. 185: "If majority rule should come to be in the sense that the black majority came into power tomorrow, there could very easily be outright tribal war as each tribe refused to be ruled or dominated by one of the others." - p. 213: "The real issue in the Middle East has to do with the Arab refusal to recognize that Israel has a right to exist as a nation." - p. 359: "Some time ago on constitutional grounds God was expelled from our public schools." - p. 442: "Now more questions: If we truly believe that our way of life is best, aren't the Russians more likely to recognize that fact and modify their stand if we let their economy come unhinged so that the contrast is apparent?"
"Reagan, Ronald--Political and social views."
Original Booknotes interview
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