Tip O'Neill and the Democratic century
The towering figure of the postwar Democratic Party, Thomas Tip" O'Neill was one of the last of the great political warhorses, a man who cared as much about his family and friends as he did about the issues, someone who knew how to have a good time and do a good deed. Now, based on previously untapped records, interviews, and private correspondence, prizewinning journalist John A. Farrell gives us the first full-scale biography of this legendary American: a garrulous legislative titan who fought with Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Newt Gingrich and prevailed because he never forgot where he came from." "In Tip O'Neill and the Democratic Century John Farrell has crafted an epic biography, not just of a person, but of politics. Full of larger-than-life personalities and historic moments, it is a grand waltz through the corridors and back rooms of American power. And like Tip himself, Farrell's dazzling book is majestic, powerful, important, and utterly winning."--BOOK JACKET.
Farrell, John A
1st ed.
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: May 20, 2001
Little, Brown
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers: "Wed., Apr. 4, 11 a.m. - "Peggy Noonan, p. 23: defender of evil things. - Why television in House? - Could never say "no" to anybody. - David Rogers, p. 676; Peggy Noonan, p. 678; B.C. exhibit - p. 744; Joe Moakley, $6 Mill. Appropriations. - Who in O'N clan refused to talk to you or open their files? - He [has] a streak of malice - two smiles. - His name Tip - where did he get it? - Cigars, a little drink, gambling. - The Henry Ford hospital donation story, p. 14. - Tip vs. Reagan. - p. 139: 1952: Tip hated Congress; 1954: PR Nationalists: Bullet hole in his chair; Eddie Boland, John McCormack; race tracks, poker, eating out at night. - p. 154: Not told in Tip's memoirs - Sherman Adams, Boston Herald and Channel 5 - Robert Choate; Taylor, Tom Winship, Drew Pearson, Jack Kennedy; O'Neill: a sacred cow inside Globe news room. - O'Neill - Kennedy relationship: a shadow remained; Bobby wanted Tip's seat; LBJ for V.P.; O'Donnell blocked Tip at W.H. - wanted to run for Gov. - LBJ speaks to B.C. - good? (p. 195). - Mayor of Shannon comes to visit." -- Notes on back endpapers: "Gerry Ford: put Ford on the back burner, p. 358. - Camscam: the moment "loss of civility", p. 636; O'Neill lunch for Boston Symphony - "no good SOB". - Son Tommy - Lt. Gov.; Michael: didn't like politics, drugs, alcohol, barely out-lived his father, p. 640. - 1984: Convention speech, blasts Rep. and Reagan for their private jets, etc., p. 646. - Coelho, Lud Ashley said O'N hated Tony; Leo Diehl - we never got along - He was no saint, but, p. 541. - R.R. vs. O'Neill - the son of a bitch rolled us. God - Jim Wright, p. 547. - How did you get to see the Jim Wright diary? - Social Security, p. 541; Lud Ashley : Re. and Dems. never trust each other again. - Neil MacNeil, Marty Tolchin, Francis O'Brien. - Did he do anything unethical? - What is Tip's [?]; 3.1 Bill. to 12 Bill. 2000; O'Neill: important to impeachment. - Comparison of O'Neill and Nixon and the way they felt about the Kennedys, quote p. 381. - O'N felt Watergate changed politics forever. - What was the Jim Wilmot story and Marty Tolchin's connection to it, p. 481? - Wilmot, a O'N financial angel, needed to nudge HUD Director Carla Hills for $88 million, p. 479). -- Annotations by Brian Lamb in the margins and underlining of pertinent phrases throughout the book. - Examples: p. 7: "He believed that government was the means by which a people came together to address their community's ills, to right wrongs and craft a just society." - p. 203: "...the Republican antagonists with whom he would battle for the rest of his life. Their names were Nixon, Reagan and Gingrich." - p. 437: "...O'Neill never lacked the cold-blooded will to do what was necessary." - p. 541: "He was no saint. ... He could be mean and small-minded. But at his core there lay a magnificence of spirit, deep compassion and a rock-hard set of beliefs." - p. 573: "He [Reagan] has no concern, no regard, no care for the little man of America." - p. 575: "Let's face it. This is a callous, right-wing administration committed to repealing the Great Society, the New Frontier, the Fair Deal and the New Deal. It has made a target of the politically weak, the poor, the working people."
"O'Neill, Tip."
"United States. Congress. House--Speakers--Biography."
"Legislators--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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