Honor's voice : the transformation of Abraham Lincoln
Examines certain aspects of the life of Abraham Lincoln in the years between 1831 and 1842, presenting him as a stubborn youth, partial to off-color jokes, and prone to depression; and traces the process by which he rose from unskilled laborer to a position of prominence in the Illinois legislature.
"Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Political career before 1861."
"Presidents--United States--Biography."
Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers, verso and first leaf of fly sheet: Elegy-sad poem. Honest Abe 315. Later years-master of deflecting a charge that was true. Lincoln appears suicidal p 235. Ann Rutledge- p 124. Death A.L. first signs of emotional vulnerability. Loss of mother--age 9; Sister Sarah--age 18. Bare-knuckle brawling in Indiana. Abe and reading (father) Prostitute-p 183. Doubts and fears of who he was, at odds with prevailing religion. Suffered periods of depression/suicide desperation. Reminiscent testimony--used to write this book. Lincoln's mother a-a bastard Ola Herndon. "Long nine," "Ann Mary Owens--letters from A.L. to Eliza Browning p 132. (Wrestling match Jack Armstrong)-turning point in L. life-was there fouled play from A. (grasping A. by the throat). Mary Todd-violent temper-flirtation with Stephen D. L. went "crazy as a loon." L-racy stories-women not present at rallies/violence. L and M.T. courtship in 1839/40 "increase in size," p 221. James Shields a duel. "Two cat fits and a Duck fit"--what's the meaning p 236. Lincoln's :thirst for distinction"-1841. "If you make a cad bargain, hug it tighter" L's father. A lot of history was recalled 30 to 40 yrs later. 175 a Democratic newspaper call the Illinois Republican. Who was Sampson's Ghost. Personal smear by Lincoln handbills in elections. Poets Shakespeare, Lord Byron, Robert Burns. Wrestling (his mother was one) 27. Tom Paine (77-religion). Macbeth-favorite play. Looked and dressed awkwardly. (127) Strong sexual drive. 121 fear he might commit suicide. He liked older women. Herndon-"a conviction more or less of ruin," 189. Fatalism, Hypochondriaism, melancholy, a sad man, friendly, good natured, sociable, well-spoken, storyteller, poverty, ignominy, failure, unhappiness. Gave up fighting, became anti-Jackson>1829-31. Hero-Henry Clay, Jack Armstrong. Denton Offutt, John Nicolay, John Hay, Orville Browning, William Herndon, Joshua Speed, John T. Stuart. (goes crazy 223). P 221 Ann Rutledge, Matilda Edwards, Mary Owens, Sarah Richard. Lincoln's stories p 68 illicit sexuality, scatology, flatulence, physical handicaps, ethnic stereotypes. Melancholy versus-source of hilarity and conviviality. Lamb checks select sections on the Contents page. Notes/underlinings: Notes: "being poor," "1. Civil War; 2. Assassination," "11 year period 31-42," "printed material lacking," "remember only good," "Herndon doghouse of Lincoln scholarship," "Nancy Hanks a bastard," "AL fails to appear for wedding," "John T. Stuart," "wrestling match Jack Armstrong," "eye gouging, ear biting," "Indiana fist fights," "L liked to wrestle," "Nancy H 5'10"," "Ida Tarbell," "Albert Beveridge," "Avoided choke-hold story," "pining," "1. Physical strength; 2. Good humor; 3. Courage; 4. Self-assurance," "Ben Thomas," "Historical errors," "New Salem 22," "not a favorable impression," "a Green Horn," "bumpkin yokel," "articulate, political acuity," "self education," underlines books Lincoln read," "step-mother at 10 yrs," "problem with his father," "devotion to reading," "lazy," "stubborn," "didn't want to be a farmer," "no formal schooling," "March 1830 New Salem," "store clerk for Dennis Offutt," "reading posture," "write whole pages," "borrowed books," "newspapers," "reading others newspapers, reading aloud," "Hoosiers," "Mentor Graham," "grammar," "stores, vulgar," "calculated impropriety," "throne story," "stories were cultural staples," "first speech," "literary clubs," "poetry," "Jack Kelso, a friend of L.," "Shakespeare, Macbeth favorite," "Scottish poet Robert Burns," "left New Salem 1937," "raised in a Baptist family," "religious skepticism." Lamb notes details of Lincoln's personal/emotional life, family, career, humor, physical description, relationships.
Wilson, Douglas L
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Alfred A. Knopf
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Program air date: March 29, 1998
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Original Booknotes interview
Booknotes Oral History Interview
1st ed.