Betrayal : how the Clinton administration undermined American security


Betrayal : how the Clinton administration undermined American security
No reporter has done more than Bill Gertz to expose the threat the Clinton administration poses to American national security. Now, using his unrivaled access to confidential documents and sources at the Pentagon, the State Department, and the White House, Gertz tells the whole sordid story of how the Clinton administration has weakened our military, given comfort to our enemies, and endangered American safety.
Gertz, Bill
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: May 30, 1999
Regnery Pub.
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers and half-title: Bill Clinton's "dismal legacy." Curt Weldon. Detargeting--what does it mean. Talbot-failure p 170. Western aid into Swiss Banks. Russia--embarked on a major nuclear modernization program, China, Pakistan, India, Iran. Russia stole upwards of $150 Billion from the West p 211. P 20 Pentagon would mislead reporters--Burns lied. 22 Secret/top secret documents--6 pages--blank. Denials about China's M-11 sale to Pakistan p 162--Administration ring magnet sale. [In Clinton Admin all National Security Policies subordinated to business interests p 163. SAPS--Special Access Programs--p 110- so secret allowed to lie. P 168-Where did Clinton quote come from (1996-Classified Memo of conversation). WJC p 165 Willful misconduct in America's nat. security off. Clinton's stubborn belief that arms control diplomacy should be America's first line of defense" p 55. Chinese strategic nuclear missiles have become more reliable through American technology some call it treason. North Korea--1 million man armed force, plutonium for nuclear weapons, p 117-"leaks from frustrated U.S. Intelligence. Officials who had been ignored by Clinton political opportunities." North K. plans to inflict 20,000 American casualties. John Holum--US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency has become least credible and one of the most political national agency in Admin. Kumchangni. Lamb checks book sections on the Table of Contents. Notes/Underlinings: Details on Clinton mistakes, leaks. "T7 buoys," "organized crime," "USS Ohio sub," Nicholas Burns. Cheget--potential nuclear attack. CIA reports leaked. Details on Russian nuclear program, aid funds, Iraq, China, Taiwan, US target, North Korea, secret projects, Pakistan, Iran, Strobe Talbott, Sandy Berger.
"Clinton, Bill, 1946-"
"National security--United States--History--20th century."
Original Booknotes interview
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