Deadlines and datelines
This collection of essays includes materials from Rather's weekly newspaper column, his daily [CBS] radio program, and articles written for magazines and newspapers ... Short essays, most written in 1997 and 1998, are grouped in sections on news from across America, foreign policy, national politics, personalities, and lighter topics. Libr J.
Rather, Dan
1st ed.
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: July 25, 1999
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers, half-title and back free endpaper: Lamb provides a tally of the number of pieces (80) in the collection. Went to a teachers college. Played wooden block. You say you are always writing on tight deadline--Is that good? CNN--p 54 report and journalism bias. Laura Bush in San Antonio p 57. 4th July--Vietnam--I covered p 52. P 50 Doobie Rogers and Mr. Bill Cosby's son Ennis p 31. Make no mistake about it. Frank Devine wrote column about Mother Teresa p 159. Abe Lincoln and love p 198. Wife Jean from Winchester, Texas. Wood block Saddam. Father killed in 62 car crash. In Pearl, Miss.--students didn't play sports. John Lewis--saw him beaten. 1 hour photo--once American need how to work p 10. Education--some say solutions are? p 19. Affirmative Action--Cliff Alexander/Ward Connerly. Malcolm X p 23, Jon Benet p 32. Imus-He's nice. Limbaugh/Stern p 35. Without air conditioning you wouldn't have LBJ/Carter/Reagan/Nixon, Bush p 40. Baseball--greedy for more TV money p 61. Press has won few admirers in recent months. Depended on rumor--p 106. Clinton Doctrine p 144. Get a dog p 145. 81 I more relieved than proud to report that of "the big three" anchors I was the first to arrive and the last to leave Cuba. "Your reporter." McCain column p 133. Elvis danced with my wife. Tammy Wynette--Great American Reporter. Fred Friendly p 160. American journalism is never going to shake off Fred's influence. Ed Murrow p 208. You mention "speller" several times. Americans demand entertainment--Might have started with Sesame Street p 183. Play acting on C-Span. Abe Lincoln/James Buchanan--tongue in cheek. Today's pols giving a Gettysburg speech p 192. Covered India Pakistan War 1965. Lamb lists 15 names followed by a page number. P 131 The biggest complaint you'll hear is that the hearings are dull. We live in an era when just about everything from journalism to schoolbooks seems cursed if it's not entertaining. Thompson interview a better show in September. Notes/Underlinings: Lamb lists Rather's family members. Lamb tally's the number of articles at the end of each chapter on the Contents pages. Hobbies, interaction with public, career, early life, father's influence. Spelling issues, police, John Lewis, English, Prop 227. Music, science, cocaine, "TV and children/Church," "Bill Cosby," "friend's son shot," Dolly Parton, "Susan Walton legs gone," "Let the TV crews in NASA," Mir, attitudes toward military, Yankees, greed, "more TV money," AIDS. Baseball, U.N., North Korea, Bill Richardson, schools, Paris, Whitewater, muck, Clinton, "Madeline Albright and TV," Bill Cohen, Charles Kuralt.
"Rather, Dan."
"Television journalists--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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