Ex-friends : falling out with Allen Ginsberg, Lionel & Diana Trilling, Lillian Hellman, Hannah Arendt, and Norman Mailer
Norman Podhoretz's account of the breakup of a group of New York intellectuals of the 50s and 60s.
Podhoretz, Norman
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: March 28, 1999
Free Press
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
"Podhoretz, Norman--Friends and associates."
"Politics and literature--United States--History--20th century."
"Authors, American--20th century--Biography."
"Intellectuals--United States--Biography."
"Critics--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers, fly sheets and back free endpaper. "The family" circle of friends who broke with the left--late 60s. "Uncle Lionel" 67 Lionel T.-most intelligent person I've ever known. Diana-fellow travelers vs. card carriers. (74) her baby story--ugly episode. Lillian Hellman--a "Stalinist." Podhoretz's education, career, family. "We tried to break virtual monopoly that my ex friends hold--have not succeeded," p 21. Trotsky--Jewish--name Bronstein--great grandson moved to Israel--West Bank (171). List of authors including D.H. Lawrence, T.S. Eliot, Mary McCarthy, William F. Buckley, Dwight MacDonald, Allen Ginsberg. Moscow lectures--coverage in press p 230. Reagan on Foreign Policy Article, Joseph Heller, details on friendships with Lillian Hellman, Hannah Arendt, Allen Ginsberg, Trillings, etc. Drugs, daughter's friends, AIDs. Dinner with Moynihans. Irving Kristol. Podhoretz on drinking, drugs, sex, his book "Making it" and the fallout from it. Lamb adds years of publication to some of the titles listed in Books Norman Podhoretz. Lamb also checks each section on the Contents page and writes the number of pages in some of the chapters in parentheses. Notes/Underlinings: Name dropping of ex-friends. Life before "Making It," "Culture Wars," "Intellectual ideas," "JFK and RR," Daniel Bell. "New York Intellectuals," "the Beats," "New Critics." Details about Podhoretz's friendship with Trillings and their encouragement of his early career, growing political division. Neo-conservatism. Whittaker Chambers, Vietnam. Reactions to book: Breaking Ranks. Move toward conservatism, "leading bitch intellectual," Lillian Helman--Stalinist, member of Communist Party 1938-1940, Mark Van Doren. Army lectures on the Cold War. Hannah Arendt--not a leftist, "moved left in 60s." "Overrated the role in intellectual activity of brilliance in general and Hannah Arendt's in particular." Relationship with Norman Mailer--"not a foul weather friend," "American Culture in 1940s," Dos Passos. Reagan, Hayek, Friedman.