The petticoat affair: manners, mutiny, and sex in Andrew Jackson's White House.


The petticoat affair: manners, mutiny, and sex in Andrew Jackson's White House.
Details the Andrew Jackson administration.
Marszalek, John F
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: March 8, 1998
Free Press
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers: S.C. John C. Calhoun-V.P.; N.Y. Martin van Buren-State; PA Samuel Ingham-Treas.; Ga. John Berrien-Attorney G.; N.C. John Branch-Sec. Nav./John McLean-Post M. Gen.,Sup. Court; KY/VA William Barry P.M.C.; TN John Henry Eaton Sec. of War. W. House scene after inaug. J.Q.A. doesn't attend. Andrew Donelson, Emily Donelson. VanBuren vs. Calhoun. [Henry Clay supporters--"corrupt bargin" 1825 and attacks on Rachel]. "Leaving of the card". A.J. b. Mar 15, 1769. Margaret b. Dec. 1799 Nov. 9, 1879. Calhoun Seminole War dispute. The duel--also bullets in his body. Rachel's death--How much mourning did he do? Jackson-lonely-depressed-struggle to get admin going. Ezra Stiles Ely's letter to Jackson p 77; Jackson's answer; John Eaton's letter to Emily Doenlson. Margaret confronts Ely in Phil. p 92. John Campbell responsible for miscarriage story p 93. Sept 10, 1829-Jackson summons. (p101) Ely/Campbell/Lewis/Donelson/and entire cabinet w/o Eaton. Jackson's health--kidney problems, pulmonary, impacted bullet/chest pains/stomach problems, etc. The National Bank/Nelson Biddle and Eaton/Jackson. Jackson sent Richard Johnson to 3 cabinet officers p116 as emissary Branch/Berrien/Ingham. Robert B. Randolph-purser U.S. Navy-first assault on a President in U.S.-History p121. Jackson lying prostrate on Rachel's grave p 133. P 229-Margaret marries (at age 59) her grandchildren's Italian (19) dancing teacher. Notes/Underlinings: Lamb copiously notes and underlines details on the Eaton Affair, and Jackson's reactions to the slights and slanders; Washington Society; politics; impact on Presidency; family disputes; press; Eaton's career; life in TN and FL; Spain/recall; later life; Margaret's widowhood, remarriage. Notes: "cabinet resigns," "1st husband kills himself," "Eaton written about 65 yrs ago," "period's attitude toward women," "*Jackson spent more time," "no Peggy," "sexually loose, loudmouthed," "62 Mar 4 1829," "11 children," "1781 deep cuts," "mother dies of Cholera," "'big itch', slobbering," details continue on Jackson's life and early career. "Rachel Donelson," "Robards leaves permanently for KY," "Rachel in Bayou Pierre," "Final divorce 1793, 1794 repeated vows," "Jon Seiver, a duel, canceled the duel," "another duel, Jackson wounded, Dickinson died," "Sept 1813 Thomas Hart Benton; Jackson shot in arm," "1813 Jackson victorious against British," "Eaton biography," "Seminole affair," Lamb continues to note Jackson's wounds/duels/fights. "1824 nasty campaign," "Jackson wins popular vote," "conspiracy," "corrupt bargain," "1828 dirty campaign," "Rachel's health worsens," "a win 178 to 83," "Rachel's pamphlet, Dec 22, 1828 heart attack," "revenge," "election of 1823, D.C.," "loose morals," "Margaret O'Neale b. Dec. 3, 1794," "2007 I Street--Franklin House, 70 rooms," "Peggy," "Geo. Clinton died 1812," "Thomas Sumter, John Milledge," "12 yrs old," "war declared on Great Britain," "DC 6000 people," "Jackson's victory 1815," "another elopement with Root," "financial difficulties," "Dec 17, 1817 boy born," "financial problems," "Dec 1818 John Eaton arrives," "innuendo," "her husband," "Lafayette stayed," "Timberlake died April 2, 1828," "died, cut his throat," "the triangle," "proposal Dec 1828," "30 years old; John E. 39," "married his mistress and of 11 dozen others," "people criticized marriage," "Rachel and Margaret," "Jackson travels to WASH.," "refused to call on JQA," "not everyone happy with Eatons/Calhoun," "women should stay home," "calling cards," "Eaton called on Calhoun; Floride receives them; no return visit," "snub of M. Eaton," "she was impure," "attractive," "indictment of Mar. Eaton," "N.Y. Gov. Van B. as State," "leaks on cabinet," "people upset with Jackson cabinet," "no talent and weak," "uproar over Eaton because of Margaret," "pregnant," "Jackson confronted over Eaton," "Col. Towson not acceptable," "Henry Clay behind attacks," "Mar 4 1829 the country profile," "DC 39,000," "difficult to get to D,C.," "Jackson 61," "JQA boyvott's ceremony," "1st outdoor inaug.," "people couldn't hear Jackson," "chaos in the WH; Mrs. Smith disgusted," "Jackson didn't attend the ball," "Eaton snubbed," "Ezra Stiles Ely," "only elect orthodox Christians," "not to travel on Sunday," "Rachel Jackson's memory," "Ely details Mar. Eaton's sins," "Jackson mortified by letter," "Jackson writes Ely," "Rachel never snubbed M. Eaton," "Ely responds to Jackson letter," "Ely backed down," "Margaret visits Jackson; apologized," "Andrew Donelson, Emily," "increasing coolness," "letter from John E. to Emily," "Emily faints in 7th month, Margaret livid," "David Campbell a Virginia politician visits," "Margaret 'a fool,' too talkative, too forward."
"Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845--Friends and associates."
"Eaton, Peggy, 1799?-1879."
"Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862."
"Politicians--Sexual behavior--United States--History--19th century--Case studies."
"Women--Sexual behavior--United States--History--19th century--Case studies."
"Sex role--United States--History--19th century--Case studies."
Original Booknotes interview
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