Defending the spirit : a Black life in America.


Defending the spirit : a Black life in America.
Memoirs of activist, Randall Robinson.
Robinson, Randall
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: March 15, 1998
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers, verso, and half title: P 65 How do we get to know things? A romantic personality. Marriage (after 5 years dying--lasted 17). U.S. doing Africa a disservice. Aristotle p 197. Haiti debate-John Murtha p 216. Marx thought Haig to be a racist. Aug 1982-marriage ends. Children rearing p. 140. You say you are never more than 2 months away Till's bottom. Worked for Charles Diggs 2 years 1976. TransAfrica July 1, 1977. Israel gets a lot more money than A. 1970-spent time in Tanzania. Phenix City, Ala. Incident. Harvard library janitor comment. Goucher College, Golf Caddy incident," "Fritz Hollings. Tues 3 FEB 11 am. Mark Green and torts at Harvard 1967. Larry Docy--Cleveland Indians-not allowed to stay with teams p 17. "A kind of Homecoming"--a book--E.r. Braithwaite-Ft. Benning library. Harvard Law--are you the janitor? 57. I (we) are too comfortable-the black leadership class p 60. Africa-first trip in law school-Tanzania for 6 months. "Blacks and Whites understood almost nothing of each other in America" p 210. Hazel O'Leary- p 170. Herman Cohen p 254. Carol Lindner-Chiquita Bananas p 256. William Weld, Samuel Berger, Mark Green. What is Vernon Jordan disease p 265. John Conyers v. J.C. Watts. Michael Jordan, Keith Richberg, Bryant Gimble--p 273. Siblings: Maxie, Jeannie, Jewell. Children: Anike, Khalea, Jabari. I am tired p 245 massive civil disobedience. 243 Happy at only home. Political leaders aren't leaders, p 233. 1994-The fast, p 193--attitude toward Clinton. Angry at Mandela- p 186, 1994. Hazel works for Ron Dellums. Brother Max p 140. 134--detested Frank Reynolds. Haig a racist. Orin Hatch, Bob Dole, John McCain, John Murtha, Jesse Helms--how much my suits cost. Arrested 7 times. Jail. Fast, meeting at South African Emb. 9 months of picketing. Eleanor H. Norton, Mary Frances Berry, Walter Fauntroy. On the title page Lamb has written in a column of numbers. Notes/underlinings: Notes: "UCLA," "TransAfrica 20 yrs," "white people," "boy," "Hidden deep anger," "Daddy 43 yrs.," "Mama," "a public speaker," "poor," "rats," "prostitutes," "wash and fry process," "Larry Doby," "Doctors white days," "despise whites," "black films," "6 yrs old," "Norfolk State," "shine shoes," "Arthur Ashe," "Bus trips," "Brown v. Board," "to school w white people," "hated w. people," "43 yrs later Richmond schools," "Never like people who don't like you," "the lettuce," "the car," "straight As," "white judge," "talkin[g] to white folks inflection," "suspicious of authority," "the library," "Phenix City, Ala.," "niggas," "hearing test," "Rob in back of truck," "preoccupation of racism among blacks," "August my battalion goes to Vietnam; Sept 1--back to V.U.U.; Oct--half of batt. Died Ia Drung," "living in the North," "Are you the janitor?" "First era," "Jackie Robinson," "graduated 24 blacks," "Riots," "Leadership blunted," "too comfortable," "black preppie," "Africa," "Gulf Oil and Harvard," "Woodrow Wilson," "3 Doctors, 2 Lawyers, 3 teachers, 1 anchor," "Duvalier, Mobutu," "German colony," "Riddock Motors, rent a Cortina," "that Negro," "race in Cuba," "the Indians--hope they drown," "blind testing," "test couldn't have been blind," "Judge, Robinson," "I was fired," "DC 1975," "pressed Harvard--Gulf Oil stock," "April 21 1972," "Derrick Bell," "a freshman leaves," "Harvard did not divest of Gulf Oil, Aug 1972," "angry," "TransAfrica," "Israel," "largest CoDel to visit Africa," "rest room," "defending S.A.," "hate filled," "right to vote," "Max in radio," "1975 arrival in DC," "Max's fund raiser $10,000," "Dick Hatcher chair," "1978 started to work for TransAfrica," "180 degree turn," "Kissinger/P.T. Barnum," "Helms asked how suit cost in the middle of a hearing," "I spoke," "a failure for TransAfrica," "domestic black issues," "loss of media interest," "my wife seldom talked," "Max thought Haig to be a racist," "marriage ended, guilt, children," "Max rich but not happy, celebrity," "drinking, pain, women," "Holmes leaves meeting," "won't leave embassy," "Harry Belafonte," "9 months," "arrested 7 times," "Republicans moved on apartheid," "Sept, Oct 1986 Apartheid dead," "AIDS," "Bob Dole," "jail," "Orrin Hatch investigated Robinson." Underlinings notes continue with African civil rights, Robinson's career, political conflicts, political actions.
"Robinson, Randall, 1941-"
"Transafrica Forum (Organization)"
"African Americans--Biography."
"African American political activists--Biography."
"Political activists--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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