Napoleon Bonaparte.


Napoleon Bonaparte.
A biography of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Schom, Alan
1st ed.
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: October 26, 1997
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Transcription of Annotations

Notes on verso of front free endpaper: You call him the most successful P.R. man of his day p 769. What was Napoleon's skill? Napoleon on St. Helena. Outrageous cheating, growing depression, without a woman. Nap-arsenic poisoning. He was murdered by Montholon who lived out his life in Belgium broke. Notes on half-title: 888 pages. Rose-Josephine b. June 23, 1763 Martinique. Married 15 years, divorced Dec. 5, 1809. See medical notes--appendix B. Emile Zola--why the dedication. B. Aug. 15, 1769; 15 years old Ecole Militaire, Paris. D. May 5, 1821. How many brothers were involved in the military. Tallyrand. Maria Walewska--a son. Suicide attempt--1814 before Elba. April 20, 1792--France declares War on Austria. How many assassination attempts. Marie-Louise--18 yrs old Austrian. Notes on verso of map: Robespierre Reign of Terror 1795-1798-99. Emmanuel Sieyes (abbe). Viscount Paul Francois de Barras--Napoleon married his former mistress Josephine p. 199. Paris--Decadence and corruption. Tallyrand--did he keep bribe for Baras dining coup. Russia p 583 Czar Alexander. Decided not to fight until Borodino. N.B. demanded war. French 611,9000 men--the largest army ever assembled in European history. Russia had 400,000 + men. Notes on verso of frontispiece: Egypt campaign. Resumption of hostilities between France and England, May 1803. May 1802--N.B. announced reinstitution of slavery. Named Emperor--wanted to be crowned by P. Pius VII 1804. N.B. made his brother Jerome quit his wife Elizabeth Patterson whom he met in Baltimore. What is Napoleon's famous luck? You write several times he had no interest in peace. How many times did he fall from his horse. How many sons did he have by mistresses. Notes: "No one volume biography," "corpses," "summer 1987," "my view," "long arduous but fascinating odyssey requiring every minute of every day," "Library-UC Berkley/Dartmouth," "writing research carried out--France-Chateaux, the Invalides," "8 children," "6 years in French school," "violent attack vomiting," "commission, ranked 42 out of 56," "5 years dedicated his life," "thinking of death," "studied," "N was an indignant idealist," "Corsican repression by French," "5 month furlough," "July 1789," "Set out again for Corsica," "a William Tell needed," "Apr 8, 1792," "promoted to Capitano," "fear of the masses," "hid in a cave," "June 10, 1793 sailed for Toulon," "Louis 16th executed Jan 21, 1793," "1793 Robespierre," "Rose," "Rose had 2 children," "April 20, 1792 France declares war on Austria," "beheaded," "Oct 1795--slept with 2 men," "at marriage, wrong dates," "Napoleon 28," "no more tu," "awkward man," "bald, puny, scruffy looking," "Napoleon's rise due to Barras," "Sept 1797, 163 conspirators," "N.B. greatest hero," "decadence and corruption," "Josephine nymph," "Josephine returns," "4'11"," "coup d'etat," "10,000 troops around Paris," "civilian clothes," "greatest coup in French History," "Napoleon loses it," "general bungled it," "Tocqueville," "ruthlessly efficient police system/Fouche," "attempted assassination," "prepare for conquest of England," "costs of coronation," "Laure and N.B, the first counsel," "M. Junot not Laure in the bed," "let her knit," "Jerome to marry," "never saw her husband again," "2nd wife," "Italy," "N.B. faced British and Bankers," "Josephine's with N.B.," "epileptic fit," "Bank funds short," "Before leaving Strasbourg," "take no prisoners," "Brothers Louis and Joseph named kings," "Prussia," "Napoleon destroys the Prussian Army on of the most complete victories in history," "divorce in order," "no son," "Marie-Louise," "the marriage, re-birth," "Black Cardinals," "a boy, 20 inches, 9 lbs," "prepare for war with Russia," "thrown off his horse," "psychopathic," "folly," "weather," "horses, maggots from death and heat," "numbers, superiority dwindling," "Borodino," "N.B. tired, cold, hemorrhoids, cold, ulcer famous pose," "43 yrs old," "N.B. colossal miscalculation," "Nominal victory over the Russians," "French 40,000 dead and wounded," "bloodbath," "rainfall, rotting corpses, plunging temperatures," "April 12 signed all documents," "N.B. poison," "Louis 18," "Josephine dies," "mistresses," "kidnap, kill," "plans to escape Elba," "Mar 1, 1815 returns from Elba," "14,000 troops," "slavery," "R.C. official state religion," "king speaks to joint session," "generals wanted gold," "King leaves," "Treaty of Paris," "Treaty of Vienna Mar 25, 1818," "fear in the land because N.B. was back," "Russians," "Marshal Soult," "N.B.'s army," "Wellington," "N.B. and Prussian troops," "June 16 full French offensive," "Blucher thrown off horse," "June 18, 1815," "N.B. suicide," "the moment had come," "N.B. disappeared," "Blucher wants to kill N.B.," "casualties," "Josephine's death," "N.B. wanted asylum in U.S.," "hang or shoot N.B.," "exile," "July 7 Prussian troops into Paris," "July 15, 1815," "Ney-firing squad," "Island owned by East India Corp St. Helena," "Gen Lowe arrives on St. Helena," "most disastrous personal decision," "all lies," "Memoirs," "Napoleon's cheating," "arsenic in wine," "tarter emetic," "oil of bitter almonds."
"Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821."
"Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815."
Original Booknotes interview
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