Mutual contempt: Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, and the feud that defined a decade.


Mutual contempt: Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, and the feud that defined a decade.
An account of the relationship between Lyndon Johnson and Robert Kennedy.
Shesol, Jeff
1st ed.
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: November 30, 1997
W.W. Norton
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers: 3 issues that wrenched LBJ-JFK apart--Vietnam, Race, Poverty. Lyndon Johnson's presidency began and ended in the blood of a Kennedy," p 454. LBJ does he have a right to Arlington Cemetery. Sam Rayburn, John Connally. 1966 The Manchester Affair p 354. Allard Lowenstein, Robert McNamara, Dean Rusk, Adam Walinsky, Bill Moyers, Dick Goodwin, Evan Williams--Harper and Row, Clark Clifford, Ted Sorenson, Deke De Loach. McGeorge Bundy. Ed Guthman, John Seigenthaler, Phil Graham. Why grants from Johnson Foundation and Kennedy libraries. What a new democrat. The Johnson Treatment. Disputes between LBJ and RFK over Civil Rights (1963) CECO (p 80).Disinterested Moyers (p. 360). Why did you so often quote U.S. News and W.R./The Nation. Hugh Siden Charles Bartlett. Sorenson Vietnam commission idea. Ted Kennedy's statement on senate floor about LBJ (not the truth) p 461. Trip to Dallas was Johnson's fault. Bobby in support of Vietnam 1962 p 253. Vietnam-RFK v. LBJ p 258/59/60. Bobby Baker case RFK phone call p 148. RFK's Senate race. Bobby's act of sabotage in July 1960 V.P.. Notes on half title: What are your principal sources of information-When were relations the most openly hostile. What did LBJ think of JFK. 1. Bobby, JFK and LBJ--decision on being V.P. Phil Graham, Rayburn gloomy after victory Nov 60; 2. Johnson wanted to run Democratic caucus in Senate Al Gore; 3. Assassination-where's Bobby-poolside. Who wanted Texas trip, transition of power-oath of office-Bobby says do it in Texas, Oval Office-remove JFK's belongings; 4. Vietnam p. 253-Bobby in support. Underlinings/Notes: Underlinings: RFK's thoughts on LBJ and LBJ on RFK. politics, political careers, family, conflicts. Notes: "senior thesis, early draft," "Schlesinger," "Dallek," "James Patterson," "Rafe," "LBJ 1908," "1961 you don't like me," "LBJ 3 promises he broke," "gun incident," "Sidey," "feud begins 1960," "V.P. decision," "Graham and Alsop pitch LBJ," "Rayburn," "24 hrs. to pick," "he wants it," "Bobby not persuasive," "oral history," "chaos," "O'Donnel furious," "labor upset," "blacks upset," "RFK 3 visits to Johnson suite," "Phil Graham," "Bobby tears from LBJ," "LBJ gloomy after victory," "permanently wounded," "no negro employees," "LBJ the problem," "May 29, 1963," "LBJ talks to Ted S.," "RFK confronts discussion with 'vigor'," "excomm utter contempt for LBJ," "Nov 22 1963," "transition of power painful," "oval office move," "Jackie," "Bobby Baker," "RFK phone call to Baker," "Baker indicted," "Pierre Salinger," "Goodwin chief speechwriter," "RFK V.P.?" "RFK asked to run campaign," "Ken Keating," "The election," "RFK wins Senate," "Medicare, Medicaid," "kooks, commies, queers," "bombing the North," "Bobby 1962 Vietnam," "In support," "Diem murdered," "Nov '63 RFK on Vietnam," "LBJ Spring 54," "Vietnam," "RFK taped by LBJ," "RFK supports LBJ," "South African," "the war," "Hawk, Dove or Chicken," "RFK listened to FBI tapes," "William Manchester," "LBJ v. JFK 1960 deer hunting incident," "Feb 1966," "Kennedy sponsored attack on LBJ," "AF one," "deer hunt," "honey," "paranoia," "Ethel telegram to Bobby," "Oval Office meeting Feb. 6," "Ellsberg," "RFK," "Domino Theory," "McN talked with RFK every few days," "everybody's man," "Mc to World Bank," "McNamara leaves gov. Feb 29, 1968," "Gridiron," "New York speech," "Bobby praises LBJ," "rating 39%, Vietnam 1967," "Allard Lowenstein, Sept 23, 1967," "Long Is. college," "Oct 1967 meeting in New York," "McCarthy's candidacy Nov 30," "John Roche Bobby hater," "Adam Walinsky gives notice," "Tet," "RFK speech in Chicago," "Joe Alsop," "Pete Hamill," "Ellsberg leaks Wheeler report," "Johnson in N.H. 49.4 to 42.2," "Moyers photo," "Sorenson's commission idea," "LBJ listens on phone call," "attacks on Johnson," "crowds frenzied," "George Christian draft statement on retirement," "March 31 speech," "RFK stunned about not turning," "McCarthy mattered," "dying young," "cancer polyps," "final thaw RFK's candidacy," "Ethel," "Larry O'Brien," "RFK defeated," "little man," "cabinet members endorse Humphrey," "MLK dead," "Black power," "LBJ political disinterest," "June 5 1964 3:31 A.M. Sirhan Sirhan 24 yrs. old.," "hatred loose in the country," "no commission on death," "LBJ does he have a right to Arlington," "climate of violence," "Ethel wrote to LBJ," "Liz Carpenter worried about LBJ's image," "Ethel feds fund permanent gravesite," "Ted statement," "RFK Statement," "Saigon 1962," "O'Neill," "vulnerabilities," "bad chemistry thesis," "LBJ's fear," "68 challenge," "unacceptable," "LBJ 'phony liar moral coward',"" war on poverty," "New Politics," "RFK--courage and martyrdom."
"Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973."
"Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968."
"Presidents--United States--Biography."
"Legislators--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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