Personal history


Personal history
The author describes her privileged but lonely childhood, her tragic marriage to the charismatic Phil Graham, her struggles as the head of the Washington Post, and the colorful politicians and celebrities she has known.
Graham, Katharine
1st ed.
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: February 16, 1997
A.A. Knopf
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers: Friends Lippmann, Schlesinger, Alsop Fullbrights. 1971-1976 turbulent years. Watergate, Pentagon Papers, Pressman's strike. Joe Rank, Joe Alsop, Scotty and Sally Reston, Luvie Pearson, Clare Booth Luce, his arrogance--Walter Lippmann, Meg Greenfield--1968, Lloyd Cutler. Glen Welby, the Pearson Farm, Chestnut Lodge, Mount Kisco, Maura/Mums nickname. Sept 11, 1974--Warren B and Don. My philosophy p. 71, a dormat wife p. 140. First Dinner Party--p 155-Berlin, McLean, etc. LBJ undressing in his bedroom. No such thing as objectivity, p. 360. My father--Governor of Fed. Reserve Board Sept 1930. A committed liberal p. 83. 1938--graduated from U. of Chi. Thomas Mann and my mother p 100. 1939 1st year at the Post. Little contact with the Clintons--Martha's V. Voted for Geo. Bush. Comsat Oct 1962--Phil--chairman. [verso] What does WASH Post own. Gross revenues a year, stock prices over the year. *Why did you want to know all of this? When did Phil's depression start. June 18, 1946-Eugene Meyer-Pres. of World Bank. Eugene Meyer 1933 buys paper. Phil Graham 1946 Jan 1 begins work /assoc. pub age (33); Kay Graham 1963--after death takes over. [front fly sheet] Peter Derow p. 579/599 leaves again. Oz Elliot, Phil Geyelin. Trentonian. WDIV-WTOP. Jan. 10, 1979-Don takes Publisher title. Withdrawl pangs-p. 591. Tears p. 592. Warren Buffet. Mark Meaghin-fired 1980. McKinney and Co-595. Principal suite--Adlai Stevenson p. 356. Isaiah Berlin p. 155. Donald Maclean--a communist spy. Marlboro p. 440. [half-title] Lamb creates a table of chapter numbers and the page number on which each begins. Underlinings/Notes: Underlinings: Details on family life, background, education, wealth, friends, relationship with Phil, houses, the paper, . Notes: "Mother Lutheran," "Julia Grant, a friend in 7th grade," "mother at movie," "mother's affair," "anti-Semitism," "sex," "Cissy Patterson," "cared too much about the Post," "1934 left Vassar," "political philosophy," "Alf Landon," "one way conversations with my mother," "Thomas Mann," "Jewish," "Mortimer Adler," "sexually naive," "committed liberal," [grey C-Span post-it note on p. 85] "two month job," "Harry Bridges," "Ansel Adams," "cold, unfeeling, hard to talk to," "wrote editorials," "Phylis Asher," "Phil defended the Russians," "proposal," "law school," "Felix Frank.," "lost baby boy," "Phil enlisted Army," "my father monologue," "dormat wife," "Sioux Falls, S.D.," "first dinner party," "Donald and Melinda MacLean communist spies," "Jan. 1, 1946," "nurse, laundress, cook," "Drew P married Luvie Moore Abell," "Dec 46/Dad resigns," "Agnes, Phil's diplomacy," "Prich 2 yrs prison," "1951 Glen Welby $87,500," "teamsters," "Phil Civil Rights," "Breakdown Oct 28, 1954," [grey C-Span post-it note on p. 245],"Comsat," "Phil lunged," "1st letter," "2nd letter," "talk with my sister Flo, disliked mother, died 4 days later," "COMSAT, RAND, Robin Webb," "the affair," "another girl from his past," "Don, father's drinking," "Robin again," "Sioux Falls," "Lorraine Cooper," "Phoenix, ugly remarks," "never love another man," "Phil 17 years with Post," "bitterness," "Scotty," "Luvie Pearson, run the comp.," "Phil shoots self," "note from mother," "the will, not competent" "funeral Tuesday Aug 6, 1963," "grave across street from my house," "the suicide scene," "Sept 20, 1963 President," "Lippmann," "speechmaking," "Arnaud de Borchgrave," "Arnaud fired," "inferiority," "Ted Sorenson wanted my job," "$100 million from Newhouse," "Cable TV," "1st call from a President, Russ Wiggins critical of Jackie's trip." "First speech P.R.," "Kennedy shot," "Adlai Stevenson principal suitor," "Goldwater," "Mac Bundy memo LBJ wanted an endorsement," "no such thing as objectivity," "Press plane '64 campaign," "Cleveland," "Jack Valenti," "LBJ undressing in his bedroom," "Phil Geyelin," "Vietnam," "LBJ 1966 distant relationship," "letter to LBJ," "letter from LBJ," "autonomy of editors," "a convulsion," "Dilantin for 15 years," [grey C-Span post-it note on p. 405] "Bobby shot," "Herblock and Geylin," "brought to tears," "Nixon lunch," "Humphrey," "Russ Wiggins retires," "Phil G. and Meg G. no 2," "Paul Ig Jan 69," "Style section," "1969 Nixon," "1970 mother died," "Rudi Serkin, Marlboro," "Tricia's wedding," "Halderman's talking paper," "Pentagon Papers," "McNamara," "1 of 29 judges," "June 17, 1972," "Tit," "Haig lunch in W.H. early 1974," "Watergate role," "Warren Buffet, Phil, US of A," "Warren on board," "Warren's teaching," "sexism," "insecurities," "orangutan theory," "Oct 1, 1975 the Strike," "[grey C-Span post-it note on p. 565] "Ben Bagdikian," "buying own stock," "Time mag.," "gender," "Oz Elliot," "Peter Derow," "Cable News Network," "Barry Goldwater," "World Bank," "Ben, page 25 commissioner's report," "tears," "ANPA."
"Graham, Katharine, 1917-2001."
"Washington post (Washington, D.C. : 1974)--History."
"Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography."
"Newspaper publishing--Washington (D.C.)--History--20th century."
Original Booknotes interview
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