

Memoirs of Mikhail Gorbachev.
Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich
1st ed.
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: November 24, 1996
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Transcription of Annotations

Notes on front endpapers: Hobby--reading p 104. Collected a fine library. '57 Irina-only child married Anatoly 1978. Walked in woods--Tensions. Doesn't favor noisy parties. Raisa--1932 b.; Mikhail 1931. Without MSU-'no Gorb the politician.' 1955 Nehru's visit to MSU. Andropov-a friend. Kosygin--no dinner parties, no idle table talk. 1970-1978 secretary of Krai Committee. What is difference in the way you are treated in America than in Russia--Is there a difference in questions you are asked. Married 42 years. What is the Gorbachev Foundation. What did winning the Nobel prize do for you, Oct 15, 1990. What did you learn about the KGB after you were out. What role did SDI play in relations. Margaret Thatcher p. 433. Geo Bush--car conversation p 449-50. Interview with travel mag--break towards openness. Alvin Toffler/Arthur Miller/Peter Ustinov, 1st step to Perestroika p. 200. How is Russian life different from American p. 446. What do you think of Lenin today. Who are your heroes? Do you speak any other languages. Has there ever been a time in history when a former Soviet leader has traveled and spoke? [verso] What is your sense of How Americans look at you. We thought you were much stronger. Do you still believe in Communism. When did you first get interested in Freedom of Speech. Where did you get the idea to get out of your car and shake hands--Shanghai. Reagan had a dislike for detail. My desk was piled higher. Reykjavik- p.416--Reagan's cards. Yeltyin [i.e. Yeltsin] p. 246 blood--simulated suicide. What happened with banning of alcohol. Military expenditure 40% of budget not 16% (1987) p. 215. Underlinings/Notes: Underlinings: Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Malenkov and composition of leadership in 50s, political structure, private life, state of former Soviet republics anguishing due to ambitious politicians, society acquired freedom, end of cold war, Chernenko, early career, learning the system, Andropov, family background, books, Stalin's death, Raisa, impact of MSU, XXIInd Party Congress, Khrushchev's contributions, Andropov, trips abroad, reactions abroad to Soviet leadership, Brezhnev's health/leadership, did not know truth of Chernobyl, freedom of speech, glasnost, intelligentsia, women in society, Lenin, reaction to America/Americans, state visits, Germany, Romania, France, Italy, world economy, post office life. Notes: "infallibility of Politburo," "Lenin," "the coup," "1985-1991," "glamour has faded," "God," "not big alcohol drinker," "growth," "fighting power," "hotel window," "meeting with Brezhnev," "meeting with Ag staff," "[Stalin] he was 74, 1953," "mother jealous," "1955 Nehru's visit," "without 5 years ay MSU no "Gorbachev the politician,""toilet," "Berlin," "Bulgarians," "Prague," "condemned Soviet leadership," "21 Aug 68," "education, medical fairer in Soviet U.," artificial ideological concepts," "age 47," "Irina," "1986 important event in perestroika," "Time mag," "freedom of speech," "Yeltzin [i.e. Yeltsin]," "Yeltzin [i.e. Yeltsin] blood," "Party 100," "absolute power," "mistake," "Communist Party," "human factor," "Reagan notes," "1st meeting 1984," "Nancy Reagan," "Geo Shultz," "Geo Bush," "school exchange," "military might," "the tape, the cassette taken apart," "food," "Stroke?" "73 hrs later communications," "polls 40% with coup," "Raisa ill for 2 years," "coup trial Feb. 1994," "Yeltzin [i.e. Yeltsin] taped," "Stalin's sick brain," "the Union," "utterly exhausted," "N.Y.T.," "NATO," "Will Brandt," "Communism v. fascism." With two pages of notes on C-Span note paper, one page has 8 points. Book inscribed in Russian by Gorbachev on half title.
"Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich, 1931-"
"Heads of state--Soviet Union--Biography."
Original Booknotes interview
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