Kennedy & Nixon : the rivalry that shaped postwar America


Kennedy & Nixon : the rivalry that shaped postwar America
John Kennedy and Richard Nixon shared a dream of being the great young leader of their age. Starting as congressmen in the class of 1946, the two men developed a friendship and admiration for each other that would last for more than a decade. But what drove history, Matthews shows, was the enmity between these two towering figures whose 1960 presidential contest would set the nation's bitter course for years to come.In this startling dual portrait - a modern-day Amadeus, with Nixon as the talented, frustrated, always outdone Salieri to Kennedy's Mozart, the charismatic genius - Matthews shows how the early fondness between the two men (Kennedy told a trusted friend that if he didn't receive the Democratic nomination in 1960, he would vote for Nixon) degenerated into distrust and paranoia, the same emotions that, in the early 1970s, ravaged the nation.Christopher Matthews's revealing book sheds new light on this complicated relationship and the role that it played in shaping America's history.
Notes on front endpaper: Mozart v. Salieri. The Debate--RN no make-up. Hughes loan/Watergate. Bay of Pigs. Profiles in Courage p. 114. Nixon never looked at tapes. Dick Tuck. George Smathers. O'Neill recommended Colson R.N., Bradlee--he hated the liberals, Eleanor R didn't like JFK, Murray Chotiner, Addison's disease. Lamb checks each section listed on the "Contents" page. Underlinings/Notes: Underlinings:Extensive underlinings about Nixon's personality, career, methods, history, fears, and contradictions. Also touching encounters between Nixon and Jackie Kennedy. Notes: "Chris L. Matthews," "Joe," "letters to RN from Jackie," "Watergate," "the Kennedy Party, [Muckers Club]--JFK, the Franklins ['the Orthogonians]--RN," "united against," "odd bond," "Harriman," "Curley," "buy you out," "buying votes $50," "Chotiner," "meat," "Earl Warren," "unidentified phone calls," "JFK RN both anti-Communists," "ruthless," "LA Times page 1," "inherited disdain for John McCormick," "HUAC," RN 1st House speech," "Dalton" "McKeesport RN-34; JFK-30." "charisma gap," "train ride,""Dorothy Cox--Paris-list of numbers from JFK," "JFK 'death'," "joke," "Nixon 'serious," "Bill Arnold--Nixon missed plane." "Alger Hiss," "hedged testimony," "Quaker connection," "Dicky Boy," "Research on debating Norman Thomas," "Nix for Senate 1949," "Russia detonates A-Bomb," "H.G. D. secret love of LBJ," "Hiss guilty," "McCarthy," "Claude Pepper," "$1000 JFK father," "Tck Nix camp 'a mole,'" "Pink Lady," "Tricky Dicky," "JFK 'pleased' RN won," "37 yr old Sen Nixon," "JFK defended McCarthy," "Harvard," "Kennedy should speak for Republicans," "run for Senate," "House members 'worms'," "Lodge engineered Ike into race," "Nixon for Ike's ticket," "CBS course," "TV audience 58 million," "Mark Dalton, end of friendship," "JFK 35 yr. Senator," "Room 362/361," RMN 40," "JFK 35," "Ted Sorenson," "groomsmen," "Vietnam," "RN & JFK the same on Indo China," "JFK & RMN didn't see problems in Vietnam," "NIX--treated for stress," "McCarthy's wedding," "best way of dying," "1954 back problems," "last rites," "back surgery," "refuse to break tie," "Churchill," "Nixon tells Ike he wants a second term," "1956 Chotiner probe by RFK," "Profiles in Courage," "VP for JFK," "Eleanor berated JFK," "1st time stab at Nixon," "JFK asked Geo Smathers to nominate him V.P.," "Rayburn JFK pissant," "Ike cold man," "1956 Pulitzer Arthur Krock,""Colson," "Bradlee 'hated the liberal'," "1957 Civil Rights con-Kennedy, pro-RMN," "Smathers go-between," "JFK defends RMN," "1958 JFK speech," "Castro and Nixon," "Nixon's popularity jumped after kitchen debate," "O'Neill recommends Colson to Nixon," "JFK will vote for Nixon, Bartlett int.," "Paul Corbin," "Cronkite & Bobby K.," "$ cash in W.V.," "after W.V. relations changed," "Joe Kennedy," "Connally--Addison's disease news conf.," "John E.," "Tom Dewey," "Nixon 'played it positive'," "1960 acceptance," "Nixon's most effective address," "RMN on Paar's show," "Sevareid--'cool cats'," "speed reading," "RMN injured knee," "telegram to Truman," "Kennedy's Houston religious statement," "RN [...] refused to prepare," "RN refused make-up," "LBJ radio," "facial language," "H.C. Lodge 'lost the election',""Quemoy, Matsu 'not essential'," "2nd debate, 20 million viewers fewer," "JFK in NYC RMN in LA," "Nixon raged at JFK personally," "last debate," "missile gap," "JFK promising--get the country moving again," "Coretta King," "Jackie Robinson," "Ike finally supports N," "Pat N.," "JFK says filthy, lying, SOB," "Hughes loan," "beautiful couple," "Richard Daley," "JFK joined Nixon haters," "Comm China," "78% approval rating," "Steve Hess 'don't send me notes'," "air cover," "a debacle," "JFK called Nixon to Oval Office," "Canada back," "the Berlin Wall," "Tom Braden," "Nixon could see the loss," "Alger Hiss and ABC's program on Nixon," "Kennedy= phony liberal," "IRS 3 audits of Nixon," "Oswald and Nixon," "$1000 contribution," "LBJ to be dropped," "letter to Jackie," "Why?" "Camelot Teddy White," "Nixon 1964," "Nixon deals with Nov 22," "told Pat to keep her seat," "Paul Corbin," "William Manchester," "hush money," "RFK," "Humphrey," "Nixon inaugural," "France Shriver," "Space," "M.J. Kopechne," "Lou Harris," "Bay of Pigs," "RN on the beach with shoes," "Moynihan departs," "Ted Kennedy 'babes'," "Howard Hughes," "History and biography," "tapes," "missed the Gridiron," "opening to China," "Vietnam," "full Diem story," "Helms," "suspicions of a cover-up by JFK well-founded," "Nail--O'Brien for Hughes," "dirty trick--write-in EMK in N.H.," "Ask FBI to drop investigation of Watergate," "Nixon wins big," "Tip anti-Nixon rage," "Ted K. Watergate hearings," "Kennedy & Tunney," "Brezhnev," "Ford for Agnew," "71 words," "Bork," "Pat Nixon's funeral," "to John Tyler," "Kenn Center/Watergate."
Matthews, Christopher
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Program air date: June 9, 1996
Simon & Schuster
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
"Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963."
"Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994."
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