Union of words : a history of presidential eloquence


Union of words : a history of presidential eloquence
The pursuit of E pluribus unum - "from many, one" - the motto on which the United States was founded, has continually posed one of the greatest challenges our presidents have faced throughout history. How does the presidency foster a spirit of unity among all Americans despite so many divergent interests and backgrounds? In this singular study, accomplished storyteller and professor of English Wayne Fields examines this rhetorical tug-of-war through the historical lens of presidential speechmaking. Beginning with George Washington's inaugural and continuing to the present day, Fields traces the vital role of our presidents in fulfilling the constitutional imperative of a "more perfect union." Following the calendar of presidential life, he examines individual speeches from the announcement of candidacy and the acceptance of nomination to the State of the Union address, the call for war or peace, and the farewell address, recounting with a wealth of historical detail the events surrounding each formal and informal speech. Through these orations, Fields provides a fascinating depiction of our presidents as individuals struggling to assert their principles, exercise leadership, and unite diverse Americans while simultaneously contending with the prejudices and circumstances of their time. But an even greater account emerges, one that resonates just as strongly in the issues of our own time: it is the story of a nation and a people constantly recreating themselves to try to build a shared identity within a country of endless change.
Fields, Wayne
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: April 14, 1996
Free Press
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on half title: First 200 years-3 Landmarks-each 50 years. 1. The Revolution and Founding; 2. The Civil War; 3. Great Depression & WWII. Underlinings/Notes: Underlinings: Presidency, rhetoric, influences, image, ambition, principle, campaigning. Notes: Geo. Mason 3 pres.," "Washington," "Cuomo's speech," "speech writers, Wash., Monroe, Jackson," "oratory 1st 100 yrs.," "Channing, Beecher, Emerson, Garrison, Douglass," "Calhoun, Webster, Clay," "executive voice," "John Locke," "Cicero," "demagogues," "affection," "bluster," "self, union," "Presidents argue for--a more perfect union," "1832 nominating convention," "20th century primaries," "Peggy Noonan," "Bob Dole," "FDR," "Martin Van Buren," "Polk," "Buchanan," "Bryan and T.R. courted presidency," "at Oyster Bay," "international Lincoln," "Wilson," "Harding," "Coolidge 1st broadcast," "radio," "new women voters," "went to conventions for acceptance," "Bush," "Truman 1948," "FDR and R.R.," "IKE," "battle," "Nixon," "FDR bullet proof glass," "Andrew Jackson," "An Inaugural address," "modern inaugurals," "1st 200 yrs," "the bridge, Franklin Pierce's son," "Grant 1873, Hayes 1877, Garfield 1881," "Wilson special interest," "free itself," "JFK's inaugural," "FDR short sentences," "RR used 'well'," "Nancy Reagan hearing problem," "Clinton thanked Bush," "JFK militant in '61," "1945 State of Union," "God," "slave trade," "Pierce," "nation in disarray," "failures," "greedy," "no women," "5x's war," "1950 Korea, IKE 1958, RN 1970, RR 1983," "protecting weaker nations," "Vietnam 1967," "Taft," "T.R.'s trip," "265 speeches," "Chicago," "Johnson," "Reagan and Normandy," "Wilson at Hogenville," "Lincoln mystic chords," "Declaration of Independence," "Lincoln on TJ," "radio," "FDR away from extremes," "the map," "union," "all the great themes," "Il Duce," "TV more passive," "Iran," "burdens, pleasures," "self-congratulatory," "Andrew Johnson," "speaking tour 1866," "no school," "crises," "Big man theory," "the best house," "the 'they'," "suspicion, trust," "people v. citizens," "money," "warned us against self," "45 years of service," "military moderation," "Washington and IKE."
"Presidents--United States--History."
"Presidents--United States--Messages--History."
"Political oratory--United States--History."
"Rhetoric--Political aspects--United States--History."
Original Booknotes interview
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