China wakes : the struggle for the soul of a rising power


China wakes : the struggle for the soul of a rising power
Nicholas Kristof's work on China's transformation into an economic and political superpower.
Kristof, Nicholas D
WuDunn, Sheryl
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: October 16, 1994.
Times Books
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Original Booknotes interview
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Transcription of Annotations
Notes on verso of front free endpaper and half title: Nick-who was Harold Xu p. 66. Mother killed herself. Sheryl-what was it like to return to your ancestral home. K/W what was the 18 mill. Italian/Chinese business deal female employee to sleep with him. Farewell dinner/Mr. Zhao Xingmin p. 457. Sheryl-dancing with the minister. Nick sympathetic to the communist revolutionaries would have been enthusiastic communist p. 61. Canabalism 137 people p. 73. Chinese are building up the military aircraft carrier. What about women in the chinese society. Nick-Market-Leninism and the Taiwan option. Red Guards Great Leap F. How much briery or corruption is there? Gergary's visa. Why is it called a Middle Kingdom. 30 million deaths-famine 1958-61 Great Leap forward. Shelby-younger sister living in Hong Kong. Ah Chong-p. 349-false passport-wanted to move to America-marry an American. Sheryl-going back home-grandfather-2 wives. Selling wives, foot binding. Authors alternated chapters except for the last. Lamb has annotated chapters with S/N in the contents. Underlinings/notes: Kristof's first action in China, illegal--July '83. Kristof's background/education. Oct 1988--most open time in Communist China. Came to mistrust everyone--feared getting friends in trouble. Never dispassionate about China. Sheryl determined to become as "Chineses as the Chinese." Kristof conventional view Communist Revolution not bad, but Communists went astray. Lamb underlines subsequent accounts of mistakes, failures of communism--Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution-1966. Status of women. De Tocqueville's Democracy in America. Technology /entertainment/information becoming more available.
Poverty. 4 Dragons--Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea. Notes: NYT 1984. "Tears," "2025 1.6 Billion vs. 307 mil.," "largest Army," "Shanghai vs. NYC." "Hongjun spy!" "Beating of journalists Todd Carrel of ABC," "Construction minister dancing." "My search for identity," "Grandfather's chop," "1940s Communists were the good guys?" "137 people eaten cannibalism,"Tiananmen "4-800 people killed," "20 Billion a year on Bribes," "Bound feet," "Civil Society." "Talk radio," "authoritarian vs. totalitarian." "Mao Cults," "iron wages, iron chairs, iron rice bowls." "Confucius." "Savings rates 35-40%."