Turmoil and triumph : my years as secretary of state


Turmoil and triumph : my years as secretary of state
Autobiography of former Secretary of State, George Shultz.
Shultz, George Pratt
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Program air date: June 27, 1993.
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
"Shultz, George Pratt, 1920-"
"Statesmen--United States--Biography."
Original Booknotes Interview
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Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front endpapers: Reagan--my job pg 213 (Bill Clark). Gorbachev--are transcripts of these meetings available to the press 895. Did you keep notes on phone calls and conversations.Foreign aid--King Hussein 433. King and cheeseburger 455--mood swings. Jim Wright 957. Lonetree scandal. Oliver North. Bryce Harlow. 574 Schevardnadze sang "Georgia on my mind." Negotiations in Geneva--explosive talk with Gorbachev. Human rights. SDI--you vs. Weinberger. Gromyko jokes about Gorbachev. Bitburg 544 letters from Kohl. Nancy's and your relationship. Underlinings/notes: 3 years of hard, fascinating work. 3,500-mile pipe-line running from Siberia. Christmas 1979, Afghanistan invasion. German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Mrs. Shultz--package deal. Both go to Camp David or both go to Washington hotel--room. Both went to Camp David. Reagan--dinner at Shultz home on Stanford campus in July 1978. Reagan later remarked that he noticed Shultz watching him closely, wondered what he was thinking. 1968 Nixon--struck by uneasy defensive statement as to why Shultz a university man would feel comfortable in his cabinet. Sunday went to see Vice President George Bush. Washington different from that of a decade earlier. Number of aids surrounding president/top officials ballooned. As in days of Henry Kissinger, cult of secrecy verging on deception taken root in White House and NSC staffs. Bechtel in Saudi--Arabist. Al Haig resigned but continued to make decisions/negotiate with Beirut. Confirmation hearings--secretary of labor in 1969; secretary of treasury in 1972. President of Bechtel. Called Lloyd Cutler for advice. Needed to project confidence without arrogance. No chip on shoulder, senators must see that he would not be bullied. Sen. Cranston attacked Bechtel; implied it was reprehensible/unprincipled. Economist, dean of major university. Lived on both coasts and Midwest. Born in Manhattan, NYC. Mother read "When we were very young" by A.A. Milne to him. Grade-school teachers. Age 12, started paper: "Weekly News." Only child. Father Birl attended DePauw University. Charles A. Beard. New York Stock Exchange. Football, Princeton. Injured left knee. Senior thesis on TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority). Lived with hillbilly family in Tennessee. WWII--boot camp, Quantico, VA, August 1942. MIT on GI Bill while in Marines. Met Helena O'Brien, O'Bie on Kauai--army nurse. Went to Fannie Farmer Boston Cooking School on GI Bill. PhD asked to stay on at MIT. President's Council of Economic Advisers--Chairman Arthur Burns. Father--do what you think is right for you, material side of life will take care of itself. Dean, University of Chicago 1962-1968. OMB Director--appointed by Nixon--in 1970--Casper Weinberger, deputy director. White House--egocentric operation that varies from one President to another. Everyone in the White House is staff to the President. Developed close friendship with Helmut Schmidt, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Takeo Fukuda. Economics--markets, how they work; ramifications of policies/events across industries, over time. Marketplace. Strike. Collective bargaining. Policy planning staff. Telephone. Personal time. Warned that all professional civil servants democrats. Ken Dam. Recruited Allen Wallis, retired chancellor of the University of Rochester, for under secretary for economic affairs. Bryce Harlow. 5,000 cables come into State 1,200 go out. Called Irving Shapiro, president of Du Pont, Bob Ames, Middle East expert at CIA and Larry Silberman. Saturday seminar. Dobrynin. Had hotline to Soviet embassy removed. Bugs in hotels in Moscow. Met with Avital Shcharansky. Gromyko--somber and humorless. George Bush--no special favors. Andropov--looked like a cadaver. Bookmark on p.137 with yellow highlight. Critical of Carter's "light switch diplomacy." Individual trades turned on/off to induce changes in domestic/foreign policy. US goods in world markets eroding--trade partners see US as unreliable. Threatened to resign. Told Reagan Bill Clark wants job--trying to run everything. Reagan shaken--struggle to do job. Clark calling shots in Central America--making dangerous errors. Cap uninterested in furor on the Hill. Ray Seitz. Deaver, Baker, Nancy wanted president seen as a man of peace--Clarkm Weinberger, Ikle want to throw down gauntlet, but chicken, confrontational little follow through. Admiral's barge--yacht--listed in Pentagon inventory as a Class C Buoy Tender gone like the presidential yacht. Helmut Kohl pressured Ronald Reagan. Shultz told Gromyko a joke--Gromyko's face remained motionless. Shevardnadze and Shultz's first meeting established Shevardnadze as tough with a flair for a phrase when he stated that while Shultz had experience on his side, Shevardnadze had truth on his. Bookmark on page 807 and highlighting--president deceived/mislead by WH staff--must fight for president, against staff. Iran-Contra. Bob Strauss rated Shultz's appearance on "Face the Nation" "between A+ and fabulous." Told Reagan that he not fully informed--must not state administration made no deals for hostages. Do not say Iran let up on terrorism. President surrounded by people seeking to protect themselves--not him--not receiving full facts. Told president after press conference that he made many factual errors. Never thought he would talk to a President of the United States in a direct/challenging way. Buchanan, NATO. Ed Meese. Saw as a kind of St. Patrick talking snakes out of holes. President angry in way Shultz had never before seen--Reagan determined he was totally right. President knew about Nov.1985 arms shipment to Iran. Disagreed with Tower Commission report. Played/sang "Georgia on my mind" to Shevardnadzes, had quartet sing song in Russian. Human rights--economic well being tied to human rights. Talking to Gorbachev. Scientific revolution--government can no longer control scientific establishment and be successful. Human capital, free exchange of information/knowledge--results in intellectually creative products. Placed flowers on Boris Pasternak's grave. No point to trying to speak in meetings with Abba Eban. Jim Wright--could smile at you while he slit your throat. Elliott Abrams told Shultz to kick Wright while he was down. Jim Wright can out pray anyone--Bob Strauss. Moscow State University, May 31, 1988. Reagan talked about information revolution. Shultz on Reagan--frustrated with unwillingness to deal with national security advisers, overreliance with immediate staff. Allowed himself to be deceived--paid price in Iran-Contra. Of Reagan, Bud McFarlan noted: "He knows so little and accomplishes so much." 1982 Air-traffic controllers. Sundays brought acorns from Camp David to feed squirrels outside of the Oval Office. Not far from Reagan's Dixon, IL, is Jane Addams's Cedarville; not far from Cedarville is Ulysses Grant's Galena, not far from Galena is Carl Sandberg's Galesburg.