October surprise : America's hostages in Iran and the election of Ronald Reagan


October surprise : America's hostages in Iran and the election of Ronald Reagan
Describes how the Reagan-Bush campaign made a secret deal with Iran to delay the release of the American hostages until after the 1980 election.
"Reagan, Ronald."
"Presidents--United States--Election--1980."
"Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979-1981."

Transcription of Annotations
Notes on front end paper: 1. Carter attended Reagan library opening. Notes/underlinings: book not a lawyer's brief, not enough evidence to launch prosecution. 3 layers of protection against disclosure of cover actions. 1. Culture of secrecy against action; 2. Compartmentalization; 3. Culpability. Key elements affirmed by 2 or more independent sources. United States, Iran and Israel. Cyrus, Jamshid Hashemi. Why would Republicans run such a risk? Where did key meetings take place? Casey in Madrid in July/August; Paris in October. What was the nature of the agreement? Was the Carter administration aware of these contacts? Was the bargain kept by both sides? Could the Iranians have negotiated a similar or better agreement with the Carter administration? Book is cautionary tale. Most devastating diplomatic incident in modern US history--taking of hostages in Iran. Gary Sick, Democrat. Richard Brenneke found not guilty, 5 hours jury, 9 day trial. Denizens of shadowy, flamboyant subculture, who expected discretion when dealing with outsiders, but tolerated boasting/exaggerated tales of past exploits among themselves. 1988 rumors of Reagan tampering with hostage issue. Razin hired to conduct disinformation campaign. 1980 met Jamshid Hashemi and brother Cyrus--Iranian banker with offices in New York and London. Wondered if all the accounts were a conspiracy of lies. Uncomfortable about allegation that George Bush was present at a Paris meeting. Admiral Poindexter testified that "the buck stopped here, with me"--ended the congressional case. Why wouldn't Bush provide evidence that he was not there? Reagan-Bush campaign mounted intelligence operation to subvert the American democratic process. Journalism--media will not declare themselves on matters of political gravity without indisputable evidence. Martin Kilian, Der Spiegel. Kilian interested in election due to violation of Jeffersonian democratic tradition. 1990 Jamshid Hashemi warns him to stop investigation--people would think nothing of spending a million dollars to have something happen to Sick. Opted not to follow money trail, but did follow weapons trail. Who are colleagues/researchers? Robert Ross/Robert Perry working on October Surprise documentary for Frontline.
Sick, Gary
Brian Lamb Booknotes Collection
Gift of Brian Lamb, 2011.
Catalog record
Times Books
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections & Archives
Program air date: December 1, 1991.
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Original Booknotes interview
1st ed.